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Improving Intergovernmental Relations in Tourism

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1 Improving Intergovernmental Relations in Tourism
Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Tourism 08 February 2011

2 Overarching mandate The SA Constitution determines tourism as a schedule 4 functions and concurrent legislative competency The Tourism White Paper of 1996 outline the roles and responsibilities of the spheres of government The Tourism Act of 1993 provides for promotion of tourism development across the country Draft National Tourism Sector Strategy (2020) The Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act of 2005 promotes ongoing cooperation between the various spheres of government Local government does not have legislative mandate and/or regulatory powers pertaining to tourism

3 Research & Information
NDT responsible Research and Knowledge Management Framework Local government responsible for signage & Information Centres Research Technical Committee established to ensure alignment across spheres National and Provincial registers for Tourist Guides Provincial Registers for products and operators (selected provinces)

4 Strategy, Planning & Budgeting
NDT responsible for National Strategy Integration & alignment through MINMEC, MIPTECH & supporting Technical Committees NDT Participation in PGDS & IDP Participation in Economic Sectors and Employment Cluster; International Cooperation and Trade Relations Clusters Ministerial and DG bilateral engagements with partner departments (DoT, DPE, DHA, DEA etc) Pillar of Growth Path, IPAPII & International Relations Strategy Working with provinces and National Treasury to Develop Sector Budget Structure

5 Policy Development NDT develops National policy framework
MINMEC is a consultative forum for sector policies Municipalities consulted via SALGA as MINMEC member and also direct consultations with NDT and provinces. Impact of Local Government policies & decision (e.g. by-laws & rates increases) Governance Working Group discusses policies across the spheres Policies with significant inter-provincial implication also discussed at MINMEC

6 Product Development National level – NDT financial support for product development through Social Responsibility Initiative Tourism Enterprise Partnership supports enterprise development and growth ( focus in SMME’s) – across provinces Provincial government departments provide funding for tourism development, public infrastructure, public transport, spatial planning for tourism development and promotion

7 Product Development Local government provides support for Basic Services, Public Infrastructure, licensing of businesses, tourism signage and develop plans for tourism development Product Development Committee ensures alignment: (e.g.) Implementation of the Global Competitiveness II recommendations Development of a country-wide Investment Catalogue Direct collaboration with the dti on Niche tourism product development

8 Product and Enterprise Development Initiatives
Social Responsibility Projects Tourism Enterprise Partnership dti scheme Other Industry schemes e.g. IDC, DBSA,etc Ongoing efforts to ensure integration and alignment

9 Quality Assurance One National Grading System
Provincial Quality Assessors – working with National Local Government responsible for maintenance of public infrastructure, Health & Safety e.t.c

10 Marketing Pillar in the International Relations Strategy
Partnership with DIRCO Pillar in the International Relations Strategy Expand marketing efforts to new markets through diplomatic missions (where SAT has no physical presence) Work in conjunction with DIRCO to provide training for SAT representatives abroad

11 Marketing MINMEC’s Marketing Working Group - alignment
Partnership with IMC & GCIS Brand alignment Joint initiatives on brand promotion Working with GCIS on communications matters Alignment with provinces: The Marketing Working Group comprised of CEOs of all Tourism Marketing Authorities of the provinces works with SAT to align marketing efforts.

12 Transformation & People development
Implementation of the Tourism Charter Targets Awareness amongst citizens to build a tourism culture - all government levels NDT developed a Tourism Human Resource Development Strategy, in consultation with Provinces and THETA, to accelerate skills development NDT collaborates with other national departments (labour, education etc)-support decent work

13 Current Gaps Harmonization in policy and legislation developments (including local gov by-laws) - synergies Institutional and Budget structure affect sectoral growth No sufficient tourism Focus in Provinces (combined with other departments) Tourism cluster – across government department Domestic Tourism Promotion National Databases NDT participation in the DTI incentive scheme Widespread levels of awareness to create a culture of tourism

14 Way forward Implementation of NTSS
Consideration of policy, strategy, planning and budget gaps – alignment with NTSS Enhanced engagements - Government, Business, NGO and media

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