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Before the Magna Carta, the King of England was similar to

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1 Before the Magna Carta, the King of England was similar to

2 All powerful Dictator

3 What was the main reason France sought to colonize North America

4 To profit from trading in furs and other goods.

5 Which group was responsible for these contributions to American Culture?

6 German Americans

7 What is the name of the British law making assembly?

8 Parliament

9 What is the MOST important effect of Europe being a peninsula of peninsulas

10 Most countries depend on the sea for much of their livelihood

11 Fill in the blank: _______=rural _______= urban

12 Country/rural City/urban

13 Which country did the Industrial Revolution begin?

14 Britain

15 What is a recent example of European cooperation?

16 European Union

17 The greatest effect the European Union had on it’s countries

18 Economy

19 Iron Curtain divided Germany into which two directions.

20 East and West

21 A leader with unlimited power in an unlimited government is called a

22 Dictator

23 During the late 1700’s many young women in England where employed by

24 Cloth weavers in textile mills

25 In the 1840’s, thousand of Irish immigrants came to the U.S. to escape

26 Famine / potato crop

27 Economic system in which colonies sent raw materials to the mother country in return, colonist were expected to buy products from that country

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