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Result: Yes - ; No - ; Abstain - .

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Presentation on theme: "Result: Yes - ; No - ; Abstain - ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Result: Yes - ; No - ; Abstain - .
May 2006 MOTION: Accept the resolution to comments #56, #69, #70, #87, #89, #90, #97, #98, #100, #171, #173, #174, #175, #179, and #182 contained in document w-d0-review-comments.xls, and instruct the editor to incorporate the changes into the draft. By: Second: Result: Yes - ; No - ; Abstain - .

2 Result: Yes - ; No - ; Abstain - .
May 2006 MOTION: Accept the resolution to comments #101, #102, #134, #149, #165, #166, #169, #170, and #176 contained in document w-d0-review-comments.xls, and instruct the editor to incorporate the changes into the draft. By: Second: Result: Yes - ; No - ; Abstain - .

3 Result: Yes - ; No - ; Abstain - .
May 2006 MOTION: Accept the resolution to comments #41, #42, #43, #49, #50, #51, #52, #54, and #55 contained in document w-d0-review-comments.xls, and instruct the editor to incorporate the changes into the draft. By: Second: Result: Yes - ; No - ; Abstain - .

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