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Joel Evans Internal Waste Reduction Officer

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Presentation on theme: "Joel Evans Internal Waste Reduction Officer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joel Evans Internal Waste Reduction Officer
Circular economy Joel Evans Internal Waste Reduction Officer

2 Circular economy Waste and the circular economy Council framework Inspiration Circular economy ideas

3 1. Waste and the circular economy
Can we recycle our way out of this hole? Reduce Reuse Recycle No! Circular economy?

4 Linear economy

5 use reuse remake share design repair recycle upcycle Circular economy
Circular economy – Zero Waste Scotland,

6 2. Council framework Environmental and Climate Change Policy
‘reduce our use of…natural resources’ 'lead by example' Carbon Budget Officer roles and initiatives Strategies and policies in development…

7 3. Examples and inspiration
Joint Equipment Centre E&CS Carbon Budget group Magpie Keenan Recycling Surfers Against Sewage Circular North-east Day Services reuse projects Aberdeenshire Environmental Forum School Erasmus group Reuse Connect Men’s Sheds Re-Tek

8 4. Circular economy ideas
use reuse repair upcycle recycle share design remake How does your group use and interact with physical resources? What circular economy opportunities could you investigate? How could your group influence a circular economy transition in our community?

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