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Your Leadership Potential

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1 Your Leadership Potential
Donna Gilles, Ed.D. Va-LEND Leadership Seminar September 20, 2017 Have them fill out the fun facts; put them in a basket, and distribute. Instructions – as we go through the lecture. Pick up clues along the way, who might be this person? Introductions Introduce myself according to what I have done

2 Leadership Is About… Brainstorming – one word clips – bring the issue of power up – list it first.

3 String Activity String activity One fact has to be the fun fact

4 It’s a Small World After All
How can two people or systems have at one time the same origin, disperse dramatically, and connect again in a totally different context (Micanopy) How can two people or systems come from totally divergent pasts, link tangentially, disperse, and come together either briefly or permanently (Beth, girl on the beach) How can two people or systems be linked to another coming from two different directions (Fred) How can two people or systems be linked to different people at different times (Turnbulls) LEADERSHIP WILL INVOLVE RELATIONASHIPS WITH OTHERS, REGARDLESS OF TYPE. THERE IS NO LEADERSHIP OF ONE.

5 It’s About Relationships
“How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.” George Washington Carver Servant leadership: servant leader takes the perspective of the quality of people, work and community spirit; servant leader requires understanding of identity, mission, vision and environment; servant leader is a servant first, contributing to the well-being of people and the community; servant leader focuses on the needs of the people and how to help them solve problems; With Servant Leadership, the focus is on people; people are able to reach their targets and to fulfill the set expectations when they are satisfied, content, etc.. Invisible leadership: invisible leadership involves the art of appearing to do nothing; involves being fully present, and totally invisible; resists the temptation to “save” us from ourselves, swooping in with the solution. the invisible leader is successful when the work is done and people can say “we did it ourselves.” the people take responsibility for their work and their accomplishments. the visible leader, gets thrills from the glory; the invisible leader is thrilled to create an environment that allows people and the organization to learn and grow.

6 Leadership Presence “…the secret to having a commanding presence isn’t about personal power, but empowering others.” Ken Blanchard Ken Blanchard on Leadership Presence – author of the One Minute Manager Make them think it’s their idea!

7 Who Are/Were Leaders? Civil Rights Entertainment Health
Innovation, Technology, Business Military Political Service Sports ……

8 Leadership Is About… Relationships Inside out

9 Life Course Are you who you are because of where you have been, or because of where you know you can go? Can you change the direction and impact of your life course?

10 Your Timeline Timeline and the one event

11 From the Inside Out The leader and the person are totally inseparable.
We tend to view leadership as an external event. Mastery of leadership is often viewed as mastery of something usually outside of ourselves But leadership is not simply something we do or what our role is -- it comes from somewhere inside us. In the course of our lives, we learn… …what to think, not how to think …what to do, not how to be …what to achieve, not how to achieve Doing vs. learning Contract vs. covenant relationship Question: are any two leaders alike? With a contract, if one agreeing party does something in violation of the contract then it is considered broken. The whole contract becomes null and void. Basically the signers of a contract agree to hold up their ends as long as the other signatories hold up theirs too. With a covenant, both parties agree to hold up their ends regardless of whether the other party keeps their part of the agreement. A violation of a covenant by one party doesn’t matter as far as the other party’s responsibility to continue to do what they agreed to do.

12 Leadership Is About…

13 The Forest for the Trees
“If you see in any given situation only what everybody else can see, you can be said to be so much a representative of your culture that you are a victim of it.” S.I. Hayakawa Some analogies. Sitting in traffic – getting on the balcony or climbing the tree or getting in higher vehicle, the maze

14 Wizards and Warriors, Analysts and Caregivers: Leadership Style Bolman & Deal, 2006
Bring imagination, insight, creativity, vision, meaning, and magic Warriors Believe managers and leaders live in a world of conflict and scarce resources Analysts Emphasize rationality, analysis, logic, facts, and data Caregivers Emphasize the importance of people and relationships When do you fight and when do you look for new solutions is at the core None are better or worse than the others – it depends on how you use your strengths bring yourself into the equation Tabbed pages

15 What’s your style? The inventory

16 On Challenges “Kites rise highest against the wind – not with it.”
Sir Winston Churchill

17 The Best of the Best

18 Watch this!

19 Leadership Is About…

20 On Power…. “Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true.” Honoré de Balzac Is power is a part of leadership? The current political climate?

21 … and Authority “A position of authority is neither necessary nor sufficient for the exercise of leadership.” Eric Werkowitz Leading without authority

22 Fun Facts The fun facts

23 On Potential “One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” Maya Angelou

24 The Legacy You Leave Is The Life You Live
Johnny the Bagger

25 Leadership Is About… Relationships Inside out

26 “Leadership is authentic self-expression that creates value.”
One Last Word.. “Leadership is authentic self-expression that creates value.” Cashman The legacy The art From the inside out It’s about what you bring of yourself to the positive, the connection

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