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Ancient Rome.

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1 Ancient Rome

2 Early Settlers of Rome – circa 1000-500 BCE
Latins early tribe settled Italian peninsula Etruscans settled north of Tiber R. conquered Latins advanced traders, iron workers, paved roads, sewers, developed written form of Latin Greeks settled south Italy Brought trade, religion

3 Rome Founded by the Latins circa 2000 BC
Legendary founding story - Romulus and Remus & the She-Wolf Monarchy Etruscans Republic BC

4 Rome – Punic Wars Between Rome and Carthage (Civilization in North Africa) Struggle for dominance of trade in the Mediterranean Sea BC


6 Territory of the Republic after the wars end (Rome – victorious)
By 100 BC - Asia Minor, North Africa, Europe (South of Danube R. & Medit. world

7 Politics of the Republic
Form of gov’t - citizens elect representatives to vote for them Military solutions Rome believed in using military to deal with problems Honor to serve in Roman Legions

8 The Roman Legions

9 Politics of the Republic
Plebeians Commoners Artists Business men Representatives in Assembly Little power Patricians Aristocrat Large landowner Held public office Had representative in Senate

10 Politics of the Republic
Changes Plebeians selected tribunes with veto power to Senate Right to intermarry with patricians All citizens had the right to hold office Few commoners could afford to quit work to serve

11 First Triumvirate Pompey, Crassus, Sulla
All saw Julius Caesar as a threat Caesar sent to Gaul Caesar returns victorious “crosses the Rubicon Became dictator 46 BC Assassinated in 44 BC



14 Second Triumvirate Marc Antony, Lepidus, Octavian
Civil war between 2nd Tri. And Caesar’s assassins Civil war between Marc Antony and Octavian Octavian victorious Becomes emperor in 31 BC Changes name to Augustus Caesar

15 Eventually Rome Grew Too Big
Peasants became serfs Unemployment Lack of loyalty among legions

16 Causes for the Fall of the Republic
Widening gap between rich and poor Political parties Looked after their own interests Military involved in politics Dictatorships starting

Separation of Powers Representative Dem. – Republic Checks and Balances Civil Service – Effective Administration Citizenship as a right granted by gov’t GOVERNMENT Road building techniques Aqueducts Use of Concrete Large capacity stadiums and arenas The dome

18 Reconstructed drawing of the coliseum of Rome

19 A huge arena that could hold 50,000 for sporting events such as Gladiator and animal fights.

20 The Coliseum in Rome as it may have looked

21 The inside of the Coliseum in Rome



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