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Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes.
There are some questions in the middle part of the presentation so have a pen and paper ready. There is some narration so turn the sound on!

2 Electrophilic addition.
Ethene and bromine liquid at room temperature.

3 H H C C H H Electrophile Polarised Brδ+ Brδ-

4 H H H H C C C C H H H H Brδ+ Brδ- Brδ- Carbocation Br δ+ Curly arrows
__ Curly arrows

5 H H H H H C C H H C C H + + Br Brδ+ Brδ- __ Bromide ion Brδ- __

6 Electrophilic addition
Br Br Saturated 1,2-dibromoethane Unsaturated

7 Brδ C Brδ+ Brδ- H Br __ + Mechanism Brδ H C Br __ +

8 Write down the answers to the questions on a piece of paper.
You will be given the answers in the final part of the presentation.

9 Electrophilic addition.
Ethene and bromine liquid at room temperature.

10 H H C C H H Brδ+ Brδ-

11 H H H H C C C C + H H H H Brδ+ Br δ+ Brδ- Brδ- __

12 H H H H H C C H H C C H + + Br Brδ+ Brδ- __ Brδ- __

13 H H H C C H Br Br

14 Ethene and bromine liquid at room temperature.
Q1. From red-brown to colourless (not clear). Ethene and bromine liquid at room temperature.

15 Q3. The δ+ end of the Br2 acts as an electrophile
Q2. Ethene is unsaturated because it has a double bond between carbon atoms. H H C C H H Q3. The δ+ end of the Br2 acts as an electrophile Brδ+ Brδ-

16 H H H H C C C C H H H H Brδ+ Brδ- Brδ- Br δ+
Q5. The carbon only has a single + charge because only one of the shared pair of electrons belonged to this carbon. H H H H C C C C + H H H H Brδ+ Br δ+ Brδ- Brδ- __ Q4. There is a single – charge because one of the shared pair of electrons already belonged to this bromine.

17 Q7. Curly arrows represent movement of a pair of electrons.
Q6. A carbocation. H H H H H C C H H C C H + + Br Brδ+ Brδ- __ Q7. Curly arrows represent movement of a pair of electrons. Brδ- __

18 Q10. Electrophilic addition.
Q8. The product is saturated. All the bonds between carbon atoms are saturated. H C C H Br Br Q9. 1,2-dibromoethane Q10. Electrophilic addition.

19 Well done!

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