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Rain water management Using Elevated Channels over roads with stack effect to vent vehicle exhaust Mumbai July 2005 Mumbai 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Rain water management Using Elevated Channels over roads with stack effect to vent vehicle exhaust Mumbai July 2005 Mumbai 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rain water management Using Elevated Channels over roads with stack effect to vent vehicle exhaust Mumbai July 2005 Mumbai 2017

2 Latur 2016

3 Texas 2017

4 Bangkok examines flood prevention plans
Dec 2011

5 “While the flood problems in Singapore are under control, we can still expect floods for two main reasons : • low-lying areas where ground levels are barely above high tide are prone to flooding when heavy rain coincides with high tides. The only effective flood control measure is to raise the ground levels in conjunction with redevelopment • there is a limit to which we can widen drains because of land constraints. Very intense rainfall can overwhelm the drains and cause flash floods. Such floods however will be minor and of short duration”

6 PLAN SUBMTITTED TO GOI through “Write to the PM” citizens’ platform :-
A possible solution for flood control and/or rain harvesting

7 The elevated channels could also serve as solar panels.

8 ADVANTAGES OF THE PLAN Provides strategy for both, urban flood minimization and drought relief. Provides a solution for flood minimization in congested, already developed areas of cities, where other options involve major redevelopment & uprooting of existing structures, for eg. if constructing water reservoirs below ground level. Involves vertical expansion rather than lateral expansion. Keeps the harvested rainwater separate from the drain water. Capacity for handling larger volumes of water, than rainwater harvesting on building tops. Utilization of space over roads which otherwise is not used for anything else Plan can be implemented even over roads in open areas where there is no flood problem, for the purpose of rainwater harvesting alone. There is going to be a space crunch in the future in what are open spaces today.

9 ADVANTAGES OF THE PLAN Potential for using the elevated channels for other purposes besides Rainwater Management such as solar power generation. The structures can be foldable in dry seasons. Cost ______________Commercially sustainable (only taxes) The invention is not only a “best practice”, but it is definitely also a “next practice”, going beyond present times. The present disclosure provides for a device that diverts rainwater before it reaches an area beneath, thus reducing flooding on the area beneath. The present disclosure provides for a device that diverts rainwater before it reaches an area beneath, where it could mix with drain water, thus retaining the purity of the rainwater The present disclosure provides for a device that captures rainwater at a level higher than a road it can be configured on, thus ensuring the collected water remains free from fuel leaks from vehicles or dirt carried by tyres of vehicles.

10 The present disclosure provides for a device that diverts rainwater using existing structures such as pillars etc. where possible. The present disclosure provides for a device that can be installed in available space, with no need to create extra space for the device. The present disclosure provides for a device that diverts rainwater that has provision for venting vehicular exhaust when installed over roads, without polluting the rainwater being diverted, and preventing health hazards to people between the road and device above. The present disclosure provides for a device that puts to good use the unused space above roads, without causing build up of vehicle exhaust between the road and device. The present disclosure provides for a device that diverts rainwater that is easy to install and operate, and does not require expensive modifications to or redevelopment of civil structures such as buildings etc. The present disclosure provides for a device that diverts rainwater, the device configured as a vertical structure rather than using up horizontal space, thereby providing scope for use of area beneath the device in future as needed.

11 The present disclosure provides for a device that diverts rainwater wherein the device is foldable for ease of operation, maintenance and durability while providing sunlight as well on area beneath when needed, and can be operated manually or automatically. The present disclosure provides for a device that diverts rainwater for the purpose of utilization of the unpolluted rainwater for sustenance of human life and agriculture in drought-affected areas. The present disclosure provides for a device that can be built over existing roads in villages, without the need to use extra rural or farmland space.



14 Letter from GOI Ministry of Water Resources (Flood Management Wing)
To GOM Water Resources Department)

15 Update on status of original submission
to PMO :-


17 Patents pending:-



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