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Fate v. Free Will & Literary Terms

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1 Fate v. Free Will & Literary Terms
August 8, 2018 English IV Fate v. Free Will & Literary Terms Capitalization, How to Punctuate Literary Works, and Subject-Verb Agreement

Punctuating Literary Work

3 “Hall of Fame” by will i. am & “Sympathy for the Devil” by The Rolling Stones
First block still needs to complete the Imagine Dragons songs. Song Analysis 2 As we listen, decide whether or not each song suggests fate or free will. Find three examples of evidence to prove it. ONE example of evidence should be some type of figurative language. Begin Song Analysis 2; if not able to finish, you may work on it at the end of class when you finish the diagnostic test. This time, DO write a paragraph that answers the following. Does the narrator support fate or free will? Explain with at least three examples of evidence, one of which should be some form of figurative language. Explain all of the evidence in your own words.. Be sure to avoid first and second person pronouns, get, thing, contractions. Turn this in before leaving class today.

4 Critical-Errors Once we have been quizzed on these skills, I will be adhering to the suggested five points off per mistake. Mastery Checklist – please add: parallel structure literary present tense your name Then, turn it back in. I am going to make a copy and return it to you tomorrow.

5 Capitalization Complete the pre-test independently.
Keep your eyes on your paper. Do not let anyone cheat off of you. You will grade yourself after five minutes.

6 Capitalization Complete the practice questions for homework.
They are due TOMORROW. Use the rules page to help you. You have a quiz on capitalization and subject-verb agreement on Friday. Be sure to study the rules.

7 Subject-Verb Agreement
Complete the pre-test independently. Keep your eyes on your paper. Do not let anyone cheat off of you. You will grade yourself after five minutes.

8 Subject-Verb Agreement
Complete the practice questions for homework. They are also due TOMORROW. Use the rules to help you. You will have a quiz on this on Friday, along with capitalization, so be sure to study the rules.

9 USA Test Prep Diagnostic Test
Go to Google. In the search bar, type: USA Test Prep. Use the provided login card to log in. Go to this classes page: Senior English First Block Leyens. Find the typo in the above bullet. Click on Reading Test 1.

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