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Chapter 5 Section 4 Daily Life In Athens.

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1 Chapter 5 Section 4 Daily Life In Athens

2 Athenian Economy *Trade –important *Farmers:
-Imports – good/service bought from another country (grain) -Exports – sold to another country. (olive oil) *Farmers: -Terracing: Cutting small level plots of land on hillsides.

3 Terracing

4 Home and Family *Home = Simplicity *Arranged Marriages
*Purpose of Marriage: Reproduce! --Couldn’t afford a child and it was a girl = left to die.

5 Women *Inferior to Men *Citizens: But NO Property Rights
*Husband’s Permission: to go in public. *Duties: -Manage household and slaves -Raise children

6 Pedagogue *Male slave who cared for boys over 7 *Girls stayed at home
-Taught manners -Escorted boy everywhere *Girls stayed at home -Learned household skills

7 Education *Literacy greatly valued *Various Subjects:
-Reading, writing, music, gymnastics -Healthy body + mind *Sophists: opened schools for older boys. Learned: -Ethics: good and bad -Rhetoric: speaking and debating

8 Military Service *1 year training at age 18
*Citizens with Armor and weapons formed: -Hoplites – center of infantry *Poor men – flanks -Citizens – rowed warships

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