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Introducing Final Performance Task and Analyzing Statistics

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1 Introducing Final Performance Task and Analyzing Statistics

2 Make a new ISN page titled Unit 3

3 Today’s objective I can determine the factual details (specific to a time and place in history) that Thanhha Lai used in the poems ‘Birthday’ and ‘Saigon Is Gone’ and I can analyze statistics about refugee experiences around the world in order to notice patterns

4 Quick pair share What does specific mean? What are statistics?

5 Let’s decide Out of the refugee experiences we have learned about, identify which one you would like to learn more about and write why. The list includes Kurdish refugee, Bosnian refugee, or Afghani refugee. later on in the next lesson, you will be placed into teams with other students who chose the same research focus.

6 Think pair share (skip)
According to the prompt, what type of information will you need to gather within your research teams? Shout out!!

7 One more time… What does turning ‘inside out’ mean? When do refugees turn ‘inside out’? What does ‘back again’ mean? When do refugees turn ‘back again’?

8 Identifying Specific Factual Details in Poems from Inside Out & Back Again (10 minutes)
Have out your novels and please get into your 1-4 groups. Make a pair in your groups and decide who will choose to do the handout Specific Factual Details Task 1 and Specific Factual Details Task 2.

9 On The Handout This is to be done individually- take 5 minutes.
Specific Factual Details Task 1: Reread the poem “Birthday” (page 26) in Inside Out & Back Again. What specific factual details about Vietnam at the time the novel is set are evident in the poem? Specific Factual Details Task 2: Reread the poem “Saigon Is Gone” (page 67) in Inside Out & Back Again. What specific factual details about Vietnam at the time the novel is set are evident in the poem?

10 After that… do the following:
1. Share with your partner the specific factual details about Vietnam at the time the novel is set that you found in your poem. 2. Think, then discuss with your partner: Why were those specific factual details used in the poem? What is the purpose of those details for the reader?

11 Shout out!! What did you find??

12 Statistics Chalk Talk (20 minutes)
Look at the he Chalk Talk Statistics. These statistics come from the two informational texts you have read during Unit 2: “Refugees: Who Where and Why” and the introduction of “Refugee Children in Canada.” Listen as I read

13 In your ISN’s Under your unit 3 notes, make a chart titled “Chalk talk Statistics”. Under the chart please answer the question - What do these statistics tell you about refugees? Take 10 minutes to write your answer, then share with your group and record any information that you find interesting.

14 Next discuss in your research team:
The text says: ‘Every day, nearly 5,000 children become refugees, with a vast number growing up and spending their entire lives in refugee camps.’ What does the term vast mean?

15 Some questions shout out
In the statistic ‘1956 Uprisings in Hungary force more than 200,000 people to become refugees,’ what does the term uprising mean? How does your growing knowledge of prefixes help you understand that word? How is an uprising different from a rising? Why might the author have chosen this specific word?

16 Research teams discuss in your research teams:
In the statistic ‘Since the end of World War II, Canada has resettled about 800,000 refugees from every region of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South America,’ how is resettled different from settled? How does the prefix re change the meaning of the word?” What does the word resettled imply about Canada’s role as a host country?

17 Last questions What do these statistics tell you about refugees?

18 Homework A. Spend time familiarizing yourself with the Research Guide. Consider what details you are going to be looking for when researching in informational texts.

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