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MinPlan for electronic study plan, and course and exam registration

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1 MinPlan for electronic study plan, and course and exam registration
Orientation course for international master’s degree students 30 August Coordinator Tove Forslund Support for Teaching and Learning

2 MinPlan All students studying for a degree at Åbo Akademi University should create an individual study plan MinPlan (“MyPlan”): a web-based tool used in the study planning process e.g. for creating individual study plans and registering for courses and exams

3 MinPlan login:

4 MinPlan log in – NB! Requires that you have
a user account to the ÅAU IT-resources paid your Student Union fee for the academic year registered as a student at the Student Office the Student Office has entered your data into the Study Register (STURE)  Next day: possible to log into MinPlan

5 Functions in MinPlan Individual study plan Course registration
Examination registration

6 You create your study plan in the folder My study plan – click [New]

7 MinPlan – study plan Individual study plan includes
Plan and structure of own degree Compulsory courses Optional courses Links to course descriptions for your own courses Scheduling; courses to be completed Per term, per year Completed courses Updated automatically in the study plan Alternate study plans can be drafted Study plans can always be edited/updated during academic year

8 Review of study plan The study plan can be reviewed
as a formal approval of study plan (if required by the department or programme) or as support in the planning process ( get feedback from dedicated teacher tutor) Important: Always follow instructions given to you by your programme or department!

9 Registering for courses and exams in MinPlan (for courses in your study plan)
Select ”My registrations”

10 Register 1 2 1. Click [Show details] to see if there is room on the course. 2. Click [Register] 3. Remember to cancel your registration if you are not going to take the course 3

11 Information and guides
1. Information and guides 2. 3. MinPlan guides available in English Video: How to create your individual study plan Video: Course and examination registration MinPlan Start Guide ÅAU course database ’outside’ MinPlan:

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