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WG11 Snapshot July ‘09 Date: Authors: Name Company Address

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1 WG11 Snapshot July ‘09 Date: 2009-09-18 Authors: Name Company Address
September 2009 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 WG11 Snapshot July ‘09 Date: Authors: Name Company Address Phone Bruce Kraemer Marvell 5488 Marvell Ln Santa Clara, CA 95054 +1 - 321 4 27 4098 marvell .com Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

2 TGn PAR expires Dec 31, 2009 TGw PAR expires Dec 31, 2009
September 2009 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers Project Complete Except for Publication Group Chair Vice Chair Technical Editor Secretary N Bruce Kraemer Sheung Li Adrian Stephens Jon Rosdahl W Jesse Walker none Nancy Cam-Winget TGn PAR expires Dec 31, TGw PAR expires Dec 31, 2009 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

3 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers
September 2009 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers Cat Group Chair Vice Chair Technical Editor Secretary WG WG11 Bruce Kraemer Jon Rosdahl Adrian Stephens Terry Cole Stephen McCann TG Mb Matthew Gast Michael Montemurro P Lee Armstrong none Wayne Fisher Susan Dickey S Donald Eastlake Kazuyuki Sakoda Stephen Rayment U Necati Canpolat Dave Stephenson V Dorothy Stanley Emily Qi -OPEN- Z Menzo Wentink Daniel Borges AA Ganesh Venkatesan Alex Ashley Hang Liu AC Osama Aboul-Magd Menzo Wentink, Joonsuk Kim -NYRQ- AD Eldad Perahia Vinko Erceg, John Barr SC WNG T. K. Tan ARC David Bagby SG TVWS Richard Kennedy QoS MAN AH JTC1 Andrew Myles REG Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) NYRQ = Not yet required, nominations are not open OPEN = Candidate Nominations are open

4 September - WG11 Task & Study Group Officers
Cat Group Chair Vice Chair Technical Editor Secretary WG WG11 Bruce Kraemer Jon Rosdahl Adrian Stephens Terry Cole Stephen McCann TG Mb Matthew Gast Michael Montemurro P Lee Armstrong none Wayne Fisher Susan Dickey S Guido Hertz Kazuyuki Sakoda Stephen Rayment U Necati Canpolat Dave Stephenson V Dorothy Stanley Emily Qi Z Menzo Wentink Daniel Borges AA Ganesh Venkatesan Alex Ashley Hang Liu -OPEN- AC Osama Aboul-Magd Menzo Wentink, Joonsuk Kim -NYRQ- AD Eldad Perahia Vinko Erceg, John Barr SC WNG ARC David Bagby SG TVWS Richard Kennedy QoS MAN AH JTC1 Andrew Myles REG Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) NYRQ = Not yet required, nominations are not open OPEN = Candidate Nominations are open

5 Publicity & Timeline – September 2009
doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 Publicity & Timeline – September 2009 Publicity IEEE-SA issued IEEE n Press release (14 Sept) from IEEE 802 Exec. IEEE working on IEEE w Press release Timeline Updated letter ballot information for 11p, 11u, 11v and 11z Updated sponsor ballot information and approval dates for 11n and 11w. Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

6 WG11 Editor Abstract / Agenda – Sep 2009
July 2007 September 2009 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 WG11 Editor Abstract / Agenda – Sep 2009 Roll Call / Contacts / Reflector Go round table and get brief status report Review action items from previous meeting Numbering Alignment process Amendment Ordering / ANA Status / Draft Snapshots RevCom preparation process discussion Conference Calls Slide 6 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 6 Terry Cole (AMD) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

7 WNG SC – Meeting Goals September 09
Review WNG SC Plans Known Presentations Broadband V2I Access for High Speed Transportation – Morioka Another Slide 7 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

8 September 2009 May 2008 doc.: IEEE /0547r0 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 IEEE ARC SC – Sept 2009 ARC activities were altered to an “as needed basis” in July 2009 Conference calls since last session Two call times were pre-scheduled, neither was needed. This week No F2F session scheduled Slide 8 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 8 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

9 TGmb September 2009 Summary
doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 TGmb September 2009 Summary Status LB 149: 87% approval; 730 comments received (see 11-09/0706r2) D1.03 in members area, incorporates approved resolutions 9 ad hoc groups processing comments General, Editorial, Security, MAC operation, MAC management, framing and architecture, SAP, PHY and regulatory, and MIB Some comments have been identified as potentially wide-ranging, and have scheduled discussions on the agenda (11-09/0941) Changes to frame transition state diagram – scheduled for discussion in the next meeting slot (Monday AM2) New cipher suite proposal (Thursday AM1) MIB variable discussion based on ARC recommendation Target is to go to letter ballot in November, with stretch goal of September (this meeting) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

10 September 2009 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 IEEE n – September 2009 Requested approval from EC in July to submit to Standards board for approval and publication Request approved by RevCom Sept 10 and Standards Board Sept 11 Goals Sit on the Waikoloa beach Prepare for publication (mid October) TGn meeting report is submission 11-09/0xxx Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

11 TGp Snapshot for September2009
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 September 2009 TGp Snapshot for September2009 LB 154 passed 163 affirmative votes 20 negative votes 28 abstention votes ==== 211 votes received 39 comments, most of which have been withdrawn of 18 remaining, all but one are resolved Will complete comment resolutions this week, hopefully with sponsor ballot starting before November Slide 11 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 11 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) John Doe, Some Company

12 September - 802.11s Mesh Networking
May 2008 doc.: IEEE /0547r0 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 September s Mesh Networking Donald Eastlake cannot attend – Guido Hertz agreed to chair for September – nominations open TGs Draft 3.0 passed LB#147 with 79% approval and 1,195 comments. The current comment resolution spread sheet is 11-09/471r13. 53% of LB#147 comments were resolved by the end of the May meeting and 72% by the end of the July meeting. The current TGs draft is D3.03. TGs draft agenda is in submission 11-09/913r4. All of its Waikoloa meetings are in the Queen’s 4 Room. Slide 12 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 12 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

13 IEEE 802.11u – September 2009 Review of Teleconferences
doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 IEEE u – September 2009 Review of Teleconferences LB 156 Re-circulation Comment Resolution 93% approval, 24 tech’, 44 edit’ comments 1 new negative vote Possible re-circulation letter ballot at end of meeting u-lb156-comment-spreadsheet.xls Liaisons Agenda in document r1 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

14 September 2009 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 IEEE v – September 2009 LB155 Passed (91.67%), 24 comments received Held 1 con calls since July 2009 session Notes in Comments in This week Complete LB 155 Comment Resolution Recirculation Letter Ballot Prepare for Sponsor Ballot Agenda in document Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

15 TGw September Meeting Status & Objectives
doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 TGw September Meeting Status & Objectives Requested approval from EC in July to submit to Standards board for approval and publication Request approved by RevCom Sept 10 and Standards Board Sept 11 Goals Sit on the beach (in Portland) Prepare for publication (mid October) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

16 IEEE 802.11z – September 2009 Hawaii Meeting
The goal for TGz this meeting is to resolve the comments received on LB157 LB157 passed with 96% approval rate No new disapprove votes 2 technical comments, 25 editorial comments received TGz has 4 timeslots this week to work on comment resolution Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

17 IEEE 802.11aa – Waikoloa, HI (Sept, 2009)
September 2009 May 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 IEEE aa – Waikoloa, HI (Sept, 2009) Since the San Francisco, CA session: TGaa had 3 Teleconferences focused on: OBSS discussions – Refinements to information shared across BSS Input to 802.1Qat – Designated MSRP Node/AP interaction for stream reservation and TSPEC mapping TGaa will not be meeting in Waikoloa Slide 17 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 17 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

18 Continue the work on the TG documents
September 2009 May 2008 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 September 2009 September 2009 IEEE ac – September 2009 Continue the work on the TG documents 09-059r4 is the baseline document for the selection procedure. r2 is the baseline document for the usage models. 09-308r6 is the baseline document for the channel models addendum. 09-451r7 is the baseline document for functional requirements and evaluation methodology Technical contributions Agenda in document r0 Slide 18 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 18 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

19 TGad – Meeting Goals Continue working on task group documents
September 2009 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 TGad – Meeting Goals Continue working on task group documents Technical contributions Joint meeting with c on Wed PM2 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

20 TVWS SG – Meeting Goals September 09
Review and approve teleconference minutes Review TVWS SG Plans Study Group rules The approved Motion The schedule Review, edit and approve PAR and 5 Criteria Plan for Atlanta Slide 20 Slide 20 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

21 QoS MAN September 2009 Summary
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 QoS MAN September 2009 Summary Election of Study Group Officers Prepare PAR and 5C document Initial draft is posted as Vote to approve PAR and 5C Revise plan of record. Slide 21 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 21 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) John Doe, Some Company

22 JTC1 Ad Hoc September Meeting Status
doc.: IEEE /0990r0 September 2009 JTC1 Ad Hoc September Meeting Status Review purpose of JTC1 ad hoc Review status of WAPI in ISO/IEC JTC1, IETF and BWIPS Discuss goals of JTC1 ad hoc’s consideration of WAPI Discuss next steps for JTC1 ad hoc’s consideration of WAPI Call for volunteers to represent IEEE 802 at next JTC1/SC6 meeting Discuss any suggested changes by the IEEE WG to the PSDO agreement between IEEE and ISO Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

23 Regulatory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Goals September 09
The regulatory summaries North America European Union Asia Regulatory issues status EN v1.8.1 TVWS database EU Digital Dividend SE24 and SE21 workitems Critical issues actions EN MBAN NPRM Slide 23 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

24 September 2009 Recent Ballots Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

25 LB154 "Should P802.11p D8.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?".
September 2009 LB154 "Should P802.11p D8.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?". Ballot Opening Date:   Tuesday July 21, 2009 - 23:59 ET Ballot Closing Date:   Wednesday Aug 05, 2009 - 23:59 ET  RESPONSE RATE: 232 eligible people are in this ballot group.     163 affirmative votes     20 negative votes     28 abstention votes ===   211  votes received  =  90.95% valid returns                                     =  13.27% valid abstentions   APPROVAL RATE: 163  affirmative votes       =   % affirmative   20  total negative votes  =     % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has been met, Motion passes. There were 38 comments received.. Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

26 LB155 "Should P802.11v D7.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?".
September 2009 LB155 "Should P802.11v D7.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?". Ballot Opening Date:   Thursday July 23, 2009 - 23:59 ET Ballot Closing Date:   Friday Aug 07, 2009 - 23:59 ET  RESPONSE RATE: 254 eligible people are in this ballot group.     176 affirmative votes     16 negative votes     38 abstention votes ===   230  votes received  =  90.55% valid returns                                     =  16.52% valid abstentions   APPROVAL RATE: 176  affirmative votes       =   % affirmative   16  total negative votes  =     % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has been met, Motion passes. There were 24 comments received. Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

27 LB156 “Should P802.11u D8.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?"
September 2009 LB156 “Should P802.11u D8.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?" Ballot Opening Date:    Friday July 31, 2009 - 23:59 ET Ballot Closing Date:   Tuesday Aug 18, 2009 - 23:59 ET  RESPONSE RATE: 213 eligible people are in this ballot group.     148 affirmative votes     11 negative votes     35 abstention votes ===   194  votes received  =  91.08% valid returns                                      =  18.04% valid abstentions   APPROVAL RATE: 148  affirmative votes       =   % affirmative   11  total negative votes  =     % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has been met, Motion passes. There were 68 comments received. Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

28 LB157 “Should P802.11z D6.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?"
September 2009 LB157 “Should P802.11z D6.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?" Ballot Opening Date:   Tuesday Aug 11, 2009 - 23:59 ET Ballot Closing Date:   Wednesday Aug 26, 2009 - 23:59 ET  RESPONSE RATE: 254 eligible people are in this ballot group.     187 affirmative votes     8 negative votes     38 abstention votes ===   233  votes received  =  91.73% valid returns                                      =  16.31% valid abstentions   APPROVAL RATE: 187  affirmative votes       =   % affirmative   8  total negative votes  =     % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has been met, Motion passes. There were 29 comments received. Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

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