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Warm Up: Page 11 (write the questions)

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1 Warm Up: Page 11 (write the questions)
1. What are you noticing about the people on this list? 2. When adjusted for inflation: Andrew Carnegie would be worth $188.1Billion today, where would he rank on this list and why?

2 Gilded Age: Labor Movement
BPQ: What economic issues developed in the Gilded Age and how did the labor movement try to fix those issues? Objective: Students will understand the economic issues in the Gilded Age and read about the involvement of the labor movement and the government’s response. Add to Table of Contents Pages 11-12

3 Skilled Labor VS Unskilled Labor
Which type of worker has more power? Why?

4 Gov’t & Business (laisse-faire)
Gap between the wealthy & poor (income inequality) 1890, 10% pop. controlled 75% nation’s wealth Gov’t leaders were distracted by issues of political corruption= little attention to the widening gap between the wealthy & the poor 1890, 10% of the population controlled 75% of the nation’s wealth 50% of unskilled industrial workers earned less than $500 a year By providing a cheap source of labor, workers were essential to the nation’s industrialization


6 New Working Class Workers were essential to the nation’s industrialization= cheap source of labor Demand for labor: 1900: 1/3 workers= immigrants= unskilled Best jobs went to “native-born” African Americans= service-related jobs Demand for labor soared= jobs were filled by immigrants, rural ppl who moved to cities esp. African Americans 1900: 1/3 of the country’s industrial workers were foreign born N & Midwest industries offered working opportunities to African Americans, but southern didn’t Best jobs went to native-born or immigrants African Americans= service-related jobs

7 Working Conditions Families needed income (Dat Money Yo)
Women= domestic & factory work 1890, 20% of children worked, worse in more poor areas (1 in 4) Jobs: garment factories, canneries, mines, shoe factories (7:30am-9pm) African American women in N. cities competed w/ poor women for domestic jobs & unskilled factory work Families needed income, female workers doubled between 1870 & 1890 By % of American children worked, worse in more impoverished area (1-4 under 16) Jobs varied: garment factories or at home, canneries, mines, shoe factories (7:30am-9pm)

8 Working Conditions Low wages & long hours regardless of age, sex, or race AT LEAST: 10 hrs, 6 days, less than $10, minorities= even lower Fatigue= unsafe working conditions worse, employers felt no responsibility, no effort to improve Terrible Low wages & long hours regardless of age, sex, or race AT LEAST: 10 hrs, 6 days a week, less than $10 a week, African, Asian, Latin America workers even lower wages Fatigue= unsafe working conditions worse. Ex: 1881: 30,000 RR workers killed/injured & employers felt no responsibility, no effort to improve Company towns: specific paper money, could be used only to pay rent, or company stores= higher prices. Entire pay went to necessities

9 Workers Respond THE GREAT UPHEAVAL= 1886= intense strikes & violent labor clashes 1880s, Economic depression Massive pay cuts 1,500 strikes w/ more than 400,000 workers

10 Strike

11 Collective Bargaining

12 Labor Union

13 American Federation of Labor= Skilled Workers

14 Knights of Labor

15 Outcome for Skilled Workers?
Labor Unions Labor Laws Protecting worker rights Outcomes for Unskilled? ….

16 Kahoot! 75bec3c788c5/done

17 Relation to today= Page 11
What evidence is given that supports the idea we’re living in a 2nd Gilded Age? What business are doing well today? Why do you think they’re doing so well?

18 Today’s Activity: Primary Source Scavenge Hunt
Move around the room and examine fill out the graphic organizer. When you answer questions on the 4 events you have a final question in the middle to complete. You NEED to get each station checked and stamped, that’s when I’m grading. You will be researching the following events: The Railroad Strike The Haymarket Affair The Homestead Strike The Pullman Strike You will need to answer the following about each: Year Who is involved Why are the workers unhappy The end result Circle whether it was a success for the workers or a failure

19 Newscast Roles Role Title Responsibilities Group Facilitator
-Make sure all members are on task -Read aloud all directions to the group and check for understanding -Assist group members with scriptwriting -Answer audience questions Anchorperson -Tell when and where the event took place -Introduce the reporter -Explain the result of the event at the end of the newscast Reporter and Interview Guest -Discuss and explain the cause of the event -Discuss and explain what the conflict is -Explain who is involved in the conflict -Discuss what each side wants

20 Materials for Each Group
Documents on your selected event Document Analysis Sheet Script Outline for Labor Presentation Graphic Organizer of “Labor Movements in the Gilded Age”

21 What are we doing? Read the Scenario summary
Read Document A and B and complete the Document Analysis Sheet Complete the “Labor Movements in the Gilded Age” graphic organizer for your event Write out your newscast script Perform your newscast for your peers Complete your graphic organizer as you observe other groups’ presentations Write a thesis statement on labor in the Gilded Age Complete the Exit Ticket questions

22 EXIT TICKET: Labor Movement
1: Why did workers go on strike in the Gilded Age? 2: To what extent were the strikes successful? 3: Pick ONE and answer Most strikes involved unskilled workers. How might the outcome of the strikes been different if they had involved mostly skilled workers? Do workers have a right to strike? Do employers have the right to fire and replace striking workers?

23 Question Is inequality in America due to people not working or people not earning enough money? Either way… Propose solutions to this problem 1 paragraph, left side

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