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Mrs. Price’s 7th Grade Social Studies Daily Agenda

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1 Mrs. Price’s 7th Grade Social Studies Daily Agenda


3 Monday, August 13, 2018 Warm Up: Introduction to Geography: The Ellen Show Opening: Activate your prior knowledge Work Session: 5 Themes of Geography (Cornell Notes Review) Closing: Compare your notes to Mr. Sinn’s Youtube video Homework: Red vocabulary terms in the yellow box on page 8. Reviewing the Section, questions on page 11 – Restate the question in your answer and put the page number where you found your answer.

4 Tuesday, August 14, 2018 Drop Everything and Read
Folder/Grade Distribution Finish Cornell Notes and comparison to Mr. Sinn’s youtube video Homework from yesterday (read pages 8 – 11) Vocabulary words in red on page 8 and questions on page 11 – DUE FRI

5 Compare notes to Mr. Sinn’s
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 D.E.A.R. 1. Review Cornell Notes Compare notes to Mr. Sinn’s T.O.T.D.

6 Thursday, August 16, 2018 1. Drop Everything and Read
2. Write down your agenda 3. Quick Binder/INB Check (Non Graded) 4. Work Books: Write your name on your workbook. Do pages 3 & 4 5. Textbook Checkout (by number)

7 Friday, August 17 D.E.A.R. Warm Up – Finish Yesterday’s assignment: (workbook pages 3&4) Introduction to new unit – Geography of SW Asia (The Middle East)

8 Monday, August 20th Today’s Agenda: 1.Iready Diagnostic Testing 2. D.E.A.R. – Geography book from the back shelf; write down 3 facts from your book

9 Tuesday, August 21, 2018 We are going to have a good day today! Remember to maintain good behavior so you will be able to participate in FUN FRIDAY on August 31st! Agenda D.E.A.R. – Quick Write: “Describe what it would be like to go to school at night and sleep during the day”. 2. Notes, Map Activity

10 D.E.A.R. – The Dragon’s Blood
Wednesday, August 22, 2018 D.E.A.R. – The Dragon’s Blood 2. Cornell notes – (continue from yesterday: SS7G5a) Finish Map Activity SS7G5a,b

11 Agenda Thursday, August 23, 2018 1. D. E. A. R. – The Dragon’s Blood 2
Agenda Thursday, August 23, D.E.A.R. – The Dragon’s Blood 2. SS7G5a: Locate political nations of S.W. Asia and SS7Gb: Locate the physical features of SW ASIA continued

12 Agenda Friday, August 24, 2018 Jaguar Pride Prepared
Responsible Prepared 3. Turn in your homework 4. Pages 4-7 Student workbook 1. D.E.A.R.: The Dragon’s Blood (Give 3 events from the book) 2. Iready Diagnostic Testing

Monday, August 27, 2018 D.E.A.R.: “The Dragon’s Blood” 9:05 – 11:05 – Price Homeroom I-Ready Diagnostic Completion in the lab (ELA and Math) **STUDENT-PARENT COMPACTS DUE** 5th and 6th Period: Folder and Paper Distribution, Video: Geography of Southwest Asia, Cornell Notes, Interactive Notebook Entry ** Finish Binder Checks** Homework: Study! You will have a test on Wednesday over political and physical features of Southwest Asia FUN FRIDAY IS THIS FRIDAY (8/31) SO BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR!!

14 Wednesday, August 29, 2018 D.E.A.R. = Textbook Read pages 66-72, then do the questions on page 72. Write down the page number for each answer. Do the vocabulary on page 66 (Red vocabulary words in the yellow box). Then read pages Do the vocabulary on page 73 (red words in yellow box) and the questions on page 80. HOMEWORK – FINISH CORNELL NOTES AND MAPS FROM MY WEBSITE! QUIZ TOMORROW USING YOUR NOTES… IF I HAVE NOT CHECKED YOUR BINDER PLEASE SEE ME

15 Thursday,August 30, 2018 MAP QUIZ TODAY
Thursday,August 30, MAP QUIZ TODAY! When you finish the map on page 1, turn over and answer the questions from the board on the back. Write the questions and your answers. D.E.A.R. = Textbook Read pages 66-72, then do the questions on page Write down the page number for each answer. Do the vocabulary on page 66 (Red vocabulary words in the yellow box). Then read pages Do the vocabulary on page 73 (red words in yellow box) and the questions on page 80. IF I HAVE NOT CHECKED YOUR BINDER PLEASE SEE ME

16 Friday, August 31, 2018 Warm Up Introduction to new Unit
D.E.A.R. (No talking!) “When Words Hurt” FUN FRIDAY TODAY (Names announced at 2:45)! Warm Up Turn in your work: Vocabulary pages 66 and 73 and the questions on pages 72 & 80 Introduction to new Unit SS7G6 Examine the impact of environmental issues across the Middle East: how pollution and unequal access to water affects the M.E.

17 Monday, September 3, 2018 Labor Day Holiday .

18 1. D.E.A.R. – A book of your choice
Tuesday, September 4, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. – A book of your choice 2. Re-do Map Tests and Grade Map Tests! 3. Classroom Reading, New Unit 4. Did you finish your interactive notebook entry for SS7G5a?

19 Wednesday, September 5th
AGENDA D.E.A.R. – A book of your choice SS7G6 – Examine the impact of environmental issues across the Middle East ** Guided Reading Assignment** Wednesday, September 5th HOMEWORK: THE POPULATION OF SW ASIA IS 743,100, FIND THE POPULATION OF EACH COUNTRY IN THAT REGION (You must know all the countries that make up S.W. Asia (The Middle East)

20 Agenda: Thursday, Sept 6th
D.E.A.R. Collect Homework/Folder Distribution/Graded Papers Complete Guided Reading Cornell Notes Agenda: Thursday, Sept 6th Make today a great day!

21 Last day to complete Guided Reading Assignment
D.E. A.R. Kahoot – Review Last day to complete Guided Reading Assignment Video Review Agenda Friday, September 7th We may have Fun Friday today! It will be based on your behavior!

22 Agenda Monday, September 10, 2018
D.E.A. R. – Continue from where you left off with first and last sentences & page 4 of Guided Reading Interactive Notebook Distribution, Entry Cornell Notes

23 Tuesday, September 11, 2018 Complete Cornell Notes – SS7G6
Workbook pages 33-36 LET’S HAVE A GOOD DAY!!

24 Wednesday, September 12, 2018 D.E.A.R. – Your Library Books, Price Homeroom – Media Center to check out books Review SS7G6 Cornell Notes, complete additional notes Closing – Work Book Pages 33-36 Homework – Review your Cornell notes as a study guide

25 Please turn in the assignment to Mrs. Wheaton when you are finished.
Thursday, September 13, 2018 Mrs. Price – out for the day Mrs. Wheaton – Substitute Teacher Assignment: Environmental Issues Across Southwest Asia Activity Please turn in the assignment to Mrs. Wheaton when you are finished.

26 Friday, September 14, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. – Silent reading Class Notes – Major Environmental Issues of SW Asia KWL chart as your summary

27 Monday, September 17, 2018 D.E.A.R. – your library book Letter to Parent Graded paper distribution Notes review Study guide Homework: study the study guide; you have a test tomorrow.

28 Tuesday, September 18, 2018 D.E.A.R. - Your library books Study Guide Review Video Review Test Rescheduled

29 Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Write down your agenda D.E.A.R.
Test over SS7G6 & SS7G7 Resume reading after the test

30 No Agenda due to technology display (promethean board) issues
Thursday, September 20th No Agenda due to technology display (promethean board) issues

31 Friday, September 21st D.E.A.R.
Test Review, Additional instruction over deficits Binder Checks continues

32 Cornell Notes – SS7G8, Think, Pair Share Video Review
Monday, September 24th Agenda D.E.A.R. Cornell Notes – SS7G8, Think, Pair Share Video Review

33 Agenda Tuesday, September 25, 2018
1. D.E.A.R. 2. Finish Cornell notes 3. Finish Video Review 4. Group Activity

34 2. Finish yesterday’s assignment (Notes) Complete SS7G8abc
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Finish yesterday’s assignment (Notes) Complete SS7G8abc 3. Group Activity – 2 people per group – see Mrs. Price 4. T.O.T.D. Know your Lexile and Quantile Levels

35 Thursday, September 27th 1. D. E. A. R. 2. Ticket In the Door 3
Thursday, September 27th 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Ticket In the Door 3.Finish summarizer/graphic organizer 4. Work Book pages 37 &38 (If you have not finished pages please do so.)

36 Agenda Friday, September 28th Happy Birthday (9/30) to Mrs. Janice!
D.E.A.R. TAA – Homeroom Video Review Best Behavior – Fun Friday today!

37 Monday, October 1, 2018 D.E.A.R. Work Session: OPEC and Oil in SW Asia (Middle East) Textbook – read pages 81, 82, Vocabulary p. 81, Reviewing the Section p. 82 Video Review: Who Controls the World’s Oil? Homework: Study your notes! Quiz over religious and ethnic groups of SW Asia tomorrow

38 Tuesday, October 2, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Quiz – Ethnic groups and religious groups of SW Asia 3. After the test – Vocabulary terms on page 83, Finish yesterday’s assignment 4. Homework – Reviewing the Section page 90

39 Wednesday, October 3, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. & Turn in your federal cards and Discipline letters 2. Review New Lunchroom Rules (write them down) 3. You should have turned in the following assignments: page 81 (Vocabulary) and page 82 (Reviewing the section) 4. Turn in your homework -(page 83 Vocabulary and page 90 – Questions) 5. New Unit – Cornell Notes

40 4. Homework – Study your Cornell notes
Thursday, October 4, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Federal Cards 3. Cornell Notes 4. Homework – Study your Cornell notes

41 Friday, October 5, 2018 Happy Birthday to me! 1. D.E.A.R.
2. National “Bring your bible to school day” 3. Complete Cornell Notes 4. Enjoy your long weekend!

42 Monday, October 8th – No school in observance of Columbus Day

43 Tuesday, October 9th Professional Development for staff, no school for students

44 Wednesday, October 10, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Interactive Notebook Entry 3. Video Review 4.Homework - study Cornell Notes

45 No school due to inclement weather (Hurricane Michael)
Thursday, October 11th 2018 No school due to inclement weather (Hurricane Michael)

46 D.E.A.R. Jaguar Ascension (Homeroom) Finish SS7H2b,c,d T.O.T.D. – Quiz
Friday, October 12, 2018 D.E.A.R. Jaguar Ascension (Homeroom) Finish SS7H2b,c,d T.O.T.D. – Quiz

47 2. Review Rituals and Routines 3. Work Session
MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. – Write a one page summary about your book (Readworks – Homeroom: 2. Review Rituals and Routines 3. Work Session

48 2. Classroom Rituals and Routines review
Tuesday, October 16, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Classroom Rituals and Routines review 3. My Homeroom – Jaguar Ascension 4. Work Session

49 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Homeroom – Readworks 3. Rituals and Routines
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Homeroom – Readworks 3. Rituals and Routines 4. Notes Review 5. Work Session

50 2. Work Session – Work Book pages 39-44 Early Release
Thursday, October 18, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Work Session – Work Book pages 39-44 Early Release

51 October 19, 2018 1. D. E. A. R. 2. Homeroom – Jaguar Ascenion 3
October 19, D.E.A.R. 2. Homeroom – Jaguar Ascenion 3. Lab- Diagnostic

52 Class was split into 3 different groups
Monday, October 22nd Mrs. Price out ill Class was split into 3 different groups

53 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Rituals and Routines 3. Work Session
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Rituals and Routines 3. Work Session 4. Homework – Study Guide

54 2. Jaguar Ascension (my homeroom – Readworks) 3. Test Review 4. Test
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension (my homeroom – Readworks) 3. Test Review 4. Test

55 Thursday, October 25, 2018 1. Get out the materials you need for the day and place your book bag in front of the room neatly. 2. Do the Bell Ringer (Quick Write): Describe a close family member who means a lot to you but does not live in your home 3. Price Homeroom – Jaguar Ascension (Readworks) 4. Introduction of new unit (work session) 5. Class Activity

56 Monday, October 29, 2018 1. Get out the materials you need for the day and place your book bags in front of the room. 2. Price Homeroom – Jaguar Ascension (Readworks) 3. Work Session – Finish foldable; Cornell notes: SS7CG3a & b

57 Lexile Activity: Readworks
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 D.E.A.R. Lexile Activity: Readworks Work Session: Complete SS7CG3 Homework: Study your Cornell notes Extra Credit: Bring in a can food for the Salvation Army can food drive

58 Wednesday, October 31st 1. Get out the materials you need for the day and put your book bag in the front of the room 2. D.E.A.R. 3. Lexile Activity (Readworks) 4. TITD 5. Work Session

59 1. Get out the materials you need for the day 2. D.E.A.R. – 2 facts
Thursday, November 1st 1. Get out the materials you need for the day 2. D.E.A.R. – 2 facts 3. TITD 4. Relating to the standard:

60 Friday, November 2, 2018 1. Get out the materials you need for the day and place your book bag in the front of the room 2. D>E>A>R> 3. Readworks 4. Work Session – Do not write on the sheet

61 Monday, November 5, 2018 Good Morning! 1. Get out the materials you need for the day and place your book bags in the front of the room. 2. D.E.A.R. 3. Read Works – The Run Series 4. Vocabulary p.120

62 Thursday, November 8, 2018 1. Get out your materials and place your book bags in the front of the room – you will need your Cornell notes today 2. D.E.A.R./Read Works 3. Video, Israel 4. Homework – Study your notes, test tomorrow on the Governments Systems of the Middle East

63 Friday, November 9th 1. Get out the materials you need for the day and place your book bags in the front. 2. D.E.A.R. 3. Readworks 4. Work Session – Test today, finish video from yesterday, “State of Israel”

64 Tuesday, November 13th 1. Get out the materials you need for the day and place your book bags in the front. 2. Readworks 3. Complete Class Projects – Presentations tomorrow

65 Wednesday, November 14th 2. D.E.A.R.
1. Get out your materials and place book bag in the front 2. D.E.A.R. 3. Readworks 4. Project Completion/Presentations

66 1. Get out your materials and put your book bag in the front
Thursday, November 15th 1. Get out your materials and put your book bag in the front 2. Readworks 3. Final Project - Complete Class Presentations

67 Friday, November 16th 1. Get out the materials you need and place your book bags up front. 2. D.E.A.R. 3.Readworks 4. Finish projects 5. Work session – TBA 6. Be good – Fun Friday Today (Open Gym)

68 5. Homework – Vocabulary on page 2 of Cornell Notes
Monday, November 26, 2018 1. Get out the materials you need for the day and place your book bag in the front. 2. D.E.A.R. 3. Readworks 4. Cornell Notes – SS7E4a,b 5. Homework – Vocabulary on page 2 of Cornell Notes

69 3. Finish Cornell Notes/Review/Vocabulary
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Readworks 3. Finish Cornell Notes/Review/Vocabulary 4. If you did it for homework you get extra credit

70 5. Video/Guided Reading Chapter 5
Wednesday, November 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Readworks 3. Homework Review 4. T.I.T.D. 5. Video/Guided Reading Chapter 5 Please bring your books to class everyday.

71 No Agenda posted on Thurs 11/29 and Fri 11/30 due to technology issues
11/29 & 11/30 No Agenda posted on Thurs 11/29 and Fri 11/30 due to technology issues

72 3. Cornell Notes/Summary to E.Q./KWL Chart/Vocabulary
Monday, December 3, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Readworks 3. Cornell Notes/Summary to E.Q./KWL Chart/Vocabulary 4. Homework – Finish Vocabulary sentences and illustrations Binder Checks will resume on Friday, 12/7

73 No Agenda posted No Agenda was posted on Tuesday, December 4th and Wednesday, December 5th – the substitute was given the assignments to give to class.

74 Thursday, December 6, 2018 1. Get out your materials for the day.
2. D.E.A.R. 3. Readworks 4. Folder/Paper distribution 5. Recap of this week’s work: I NEED MY WORK!! Monday: (Homework) Sentences and illustrations of the vocabulary words from Cornell Notes Tuesday: Economic Understandings worksheet and answer the questions on the Power Point Slide Question sheet. Wednesday – Once you have finished ALL OF THE ABOVE, YOU CAN FINISH COPYING THE POWERPOINT SLIDE

75 Monday, December 10, 2018 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Readworks 3. Study Guide for tomorrow’s test

76 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Ticket In the Door
Wednesday March 6, 2019 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Ticket In the Door 4. Complete Cornell Notes, Graphic Organizer Activity

77 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. New Standard/Cornell Notes
Monday, March 11, 2019 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. New Standard/Cornell Notes

78 Tuesday, March 12th - Teacher Tuesday
1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Review Cornell Notes 4. Vocabulary Review

79 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks
Wednesday, March 13th 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Quiz rescheduled for Friday (over Cornell notes)

80 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Work book pages 117 & 118
Thursday, March 14th 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Work book pages 117 & 118

81 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks
Monday, March 18th 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Continent Assignment: ASIA / vocabulary – please write your name on both sides

82 March 19th 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks
3. Finish yesterday’s assignment – when you finish, log onto I-ready (be sure to complete the benchmark

83 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks
March 20, 2019 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Comparing religions and ethnic groups of Southern and Eastern Asia 4. Closing - Kahoot

84 1. D.E.A.R./D.E.A.W. 2. Finish Cornell notes 3. Video: SS7G12
Friday, March 22nd 1. D.E.A.R./D.E.A.W. 2. Finish Cornell notes 3. Video: SS7G12

85 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Finish Cornell Notes 4. Study Guide
Monday, 3/25/19 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Finish Cornell Notes 4. Study Guide 5. Video (if time permits)

86 Substitute - complete study guides and worksheet
Tuesday, March 26th Substitute - complete study guides and worksheet

87 Wednesday, March 27th D.E.A.R. Readworks Test Review Kahoot

88 Jaguar Ascension/Readworks Test – Do not write on the test
Thursday, March 28th D.E.A.R. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks Test – Do not write on the test After the test, get a laptop and work on the ELA or Math benchmark

89 3. Finish ELA/Math benchmarks, Iready
Friday, March 29th 1. D.E.A.R./D.E.A.W. 2. TAA – “Conflict” 3. Finish ELA/Math benchmarks, Iready

90 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Intro to new unit
Monday, April 1, 2019 1. D.E.A.R. 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Intro to new unit

91 Tuesday, April 2nd D.E.A.R. – Do not get a book today, you should do the quick write topic Jaguar Ascension T.I.T.D. Complete SS7g11a Quick Write: If I could change anything about Hornsby it would be…(explain why)

92 1. Bell Ringer Activity (not D.E.A.R.) 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks
Tuesday, April 16th 1. Bell Ringer Activity (not D.E.A.R.) 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Study Guide – Use your Cornell notes, test is Wednesday 4. Homework – Complete Continent Assignment and terms

93 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Work Session 4. Video Review
Monday April 22nd **Turn in field trip form and money – Field Trip is Fri May 3rd…money due by 4/26** 1. D.E.A.R. – Writing Topic 2. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 3. Work Session 4. Video Review

94 1. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks
Tuesday, April 30, 2019 1. Jaguar Ascension/Readworks 2. SS7E4 Opening activity/vocabulary & sentences 3. SS7E4 – Cornell Notes

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