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Welcome to 4th Grade Richmond County School System’s Mission

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1 Welcome to 4th Grade Richmond County School System’s Mission
“To Educate Students To Become Lifelong Learners And Productive Citizens.” Teacher: Ms. Black, Mrs. Richardson, Ms., Ward Principal: Dr. Perry

2 **Ms. Black- Social Studies/Science **Mrs. Richardson- LA/Reading
Introducing ....The 4th Grade Teachers!!! 4th Grade Team **Ms. Ward-Math **Ms. Black- Social Studies/Science **Mrs. Richardson- LA/Reading .

3 Important Information
-School Year Aug 6,2017-May 24, 2018 **9 week marking periods. Hours from 8:00am-3:00pm -Arrive promptly and come prepared to work. (ie good attitude, pencils, paper etc) -BE FLEXIBLE!!. “The Only Constant Is CHANGE!!!”

4 Important Information
-Students may not be dropped off before 7:45 am - Students are Tardy after 8:15. Parents must come inside to sign tardy students in. -Leaving early also counts as a tardy -All parents and visitors will have to show I.D. to get into the building. There will be no exceptions. -If a student needs medication of any kind there must be a form filled out in the office.

5 Important Information
-All students will be doing Accelerated Reader this year All students need at least 60 minutes per week for I-Ready for each subject Students will have written HW for Math and ELA every Monday-Thursday. Join remind for daily HW assignments!

6 School Supply List 6 composition notebooks
6-3prong folders with pockets Notebook paper Pencils(no mechanical pencils please) Pencil pouch(not box) Erasers Index cards(please replenish as needed) Headphones    Wish List Items hand sanitizer clorox wipes kleenex ziplock bags Paper towels **NOTE: Schools supplies need to be restocked periodically during the school year.

7 Signed Papers -Signed papers go home every Tuesday so parents can monitor their child’s progress. If you are not receiving them, please ask your child or your child’s teacher.

8 4th Grade Discipline Plan Rules
-Have all appropriate materials and supplies for school. -Respect the people and the equipment in the classroom. -Follow and listen to directions the first time they are given. -Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. -Observe all rules posted in the student hand book. **NOTE: These rules also apply to your conduct on the bus.

9 4th Grade Discipline Plan Consequences
-1st Offense: Warning (Conduct Grade still 100) **No warnings after October** major offenses will not get a warning -2nd Offense: One strike (Conduct 95) -3rd Offense: Additional strike (Conduct Grade 90) -4th Offense: Additional strike (Conduct Grade 85) -5th Offense: Additional strike- & journal assignment. (Conduct Grade 80)

10 4th Grade Discipline Plan Consequences
-6th Offense: Additional strike- Call parent. (Conduct Grade 75) -7th Offense: Additional Strike – Reflection (Conduct Grade 70) -8th Offense: Additional strike- Responsibility and Behavior Pact Assignment. (Conduct Grade 65) -9th Offense: Written discipline referral to PRINCIPAL if deemed appropriate by the teacher. Parent/teacher conference requested (Conduct Grade 60) -QUESTIONS??????????????


12 Lunchroom Behavior -No talking in the lunch line once you pass the double doors. -ABSOLUTELY No talking while in the serving line. -Use your table manners. (ie no loud talking, do not reach over anyone’s tray. Etc) -QUESTIONS?????

13 Hallway Behavior -Walk in a straight line, one behind the other.
-ABSOLUTELY no talking. -No playing or running in the halls. -QUESTIONS?????

14 Let’s Make This The …………….
Best Year Ever!!!!

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