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LOOP ANTENNA. LOOP ANTENNA Difference in the path length is 1/2bcosθ consider the rectangular loop antenna of length a and width b with its plane.

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3 Difference in the path length is 1/2bcosθ
consider the rectangular loop antenna of length a and width b with its plane vertical,so that it can be rotated in the vertical axis. θ- angle voltages are induced in the vertical members of the loop.but not in the horizontal members of the loop. The voltages induced in AB lags by an angle Φ,and that induced in CD leads by an equal angle. Difference in the path length is 1/2bcosθ consider the rectangular loop antenna of length a and width b with its plane vertical,so that it can be rotated in the vertical axis. θ- angle voltages are induced in the vertical members of the loop.but not in the horizontal members of the loop. The voltages induced in AB lags by an angle Φ,and that induced in CD leads by an equal angle. Difference in the path length is 1/2bco



6 consider the polar diagram
zero's or nulls occur when the plane of the polarization is perpendicular to the irection of arrival of electromagnetic wave. the other points that emerge on examination of exp(2.4) are 1. output voltage is propotional to the area consider the polar diagram 2. phase of the output voltagge reverses ,when the loop passes through a null. if the loop has N turns instead of one,the output voltages of the turn add up and the resulting ouptut is N times that of a single turn loop. for sense-finding ,the vertical antenna is used for conjuction with the loop&its kept clos to the loop antenna,so that voltages induced in phase quadrature. ev =Kcoswt el =cosθsinwt

7 Ei assume that phase of the loop op is changed by 90 e'l =cosθcoswt
Ei= Kcoswt+cosθcoswt θ


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