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Carbohydrates Name______________.

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1 Carbohydrates Name______________

2 sugar - sugar - sugar - sugar - sugar
Carbohydrates Building block molecules = Made of only Carbon, Hydrogn, Oxygen sugars sugar - sugar - sugar - sugar - sugar sugar

3 Carbohydrates Function: Examples quick energy energy storage structure
cell wall in plants Examples sugars starches cellulose (cell wall) glucose C6H12O6 sucrose starch

4 Sugars = building blocks
Names for sugars usually end in glucose fructose sucrose maltose -ose OH H HO CH2OH O glucose C6H12O6 fructose sucrose

5 Building carbohydrates
Dehydration Synthesis simple sugar = monosaccharide double sugar = disaccharide | glucose | glucose | maltose mono = one saccharide = sugar di = two

6 Building carbohydrates
Dehydration Synthesis simple sugar = monosaccharide double sugar = disaccharide | glucose | fructose | sucrose (table sugar) How sweet it is!

7 BIG carbohydrates-polysaccharides
starch energy storage in plants potatoes glycogen energy storage in animals in liver & muscles cellulose structure in plants cell walls chitin structure in arthropods & fungi exoskeleton poly = many

8 Building BIG carbohydrates
glucose + glucose + glucose… = polysaccharide starch (plant) -roots -fruits energy storage glycogen (animal) -liver cells -muscle cells

9 Cellulose Cell walls in plants herbivores can digest cellulose well
most carnivores cannot digest cellulose that’s why they eat meat to get their energy & nutrients cellulose = fiber stays undigested keeps material moving in your intestines Cross-linking between polysaccharide chains = rigid & hard to digest The digestion of cellulose governs the life strategy of herbivores. Either you do it really well and you’re a cow or an elephant or a horse (spend a long time digesting a lot of food with a little help from some microbes & have to walk around slowly for a long time carrying a lot of food in your stomach) Or you do it inefficiently and have to supplement your diet with simple sugars, like fruit and nectar, and you’re a gorilla.

10 Polysaccharides

11 Digesting Carbohydrates = Hydrolysis!

12 Helpful bacteria How can cows and termites digest cellulose so well whereas humans CANNOT? BACTERIA live in their stomachs & help digest cellulose-rich (grass) meals Eeeew… Chewing cud?

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