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Lesson X Vocabulary “Lingua Latina” p. 84.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson X Vocabulary “Lingua Latina” p. 84."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson X Vocabulary “Lingua Latina” p. 84

2 augeO, augEre, auxI, auctus
to increase augeO, augEre, auxI, auctus

3 training; instruction
disciplIna, (gen) disciplInae f.

4 discipulus, (gen) discipulI
student, pupil discipulus, (gen) discipulI m.

5 doceO, docEre, docuI, doctus
to teach doceO, docEre, docuI, doctus

6 habeO, habEre, habuI, habitus
to have; to hold habeO, habEre, habuI, habitus

7 tongue; language lingua, (gen) linguae f.

8 magister, (gen.) magistrI
teacher magister, (gen.) magistrI m.

9 our; ours noster, nostra, nostrum

10 fatherland, country, homeland
patria, (gen.) patriae f.

11 scientia, (gen) scientiae
knowledge scientia, (gen) scientiae f.

12 terreO, terrEre, terruI, territus
to scare; to frighten terreO, terrEre, terruI, territus

13 Click to begin!

14 lingua, (gen) linguae f.

15 terreO, terrEre, terruI, territus

16 discipulus, (gen) discipulI

17 disciplIna, (gen) disciplInae

18 habeO, habEre, habuI, habitus

19 noster, nostra, nostrum

20 patria, (gen.) patriae f.

21 doceO, docEre, docuI, doctus

22 scientia, (gen) scientiae

23 augeO, augEre, auxI, auctus

24 magister, (gen.) magistrI

25 discipulus, (gen) discipulI

26 magister, (gen.) magistrI

27 disciplIna, (gen) disciplInae

28 terreO, terrEre, terruI, territus

29 noster, nostra, nostrum

30 habeO, habEre, habuI, habitus

31 patria, (gen.) patriae f.

32 lingua, (gen) linguae f.

33 doceO, docEre, docuI, doctus

34 scientia, (gen) scientiae

35 augeO, augEre, auxI, auctus

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