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Fold index card "hotdog“ style to make a name tent.

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1 Fold index card "hotdog“ style to make a name tent.
DO-NOW Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Fold index card "hotdog“ style to make a name tent. Write your first and last name on the name tent. 3.Inside of the name tent and complete the following sentence stems: I have ___ for 8th grade science. My best experience in science class was…, because… My worst experience in science class was…, because… Charles Wilson I had… My best experience… My worst experience…

2 Today’s Schedule Do-Now Finding Favorites About this class
Set up folders Density Lab Learning Log Objectives: Today we will… -learn the names of the students in our group. -set goals for this enrichment class. -Use water displacement to find the volume of an object. -Calculate density to identify an unknown substance. Dark Matter Essential Questions: -It what ways can we describe the properties of substance? -How do we calculate density?

3 Friendly Favorites 1. Take 2 minutes to fill out your “Favorites”. 2. Circulate around the room sharing your favorites with a partner. If you find a favorite in common, sign your partner’s page. 1. 4. 5. 7. 2. 3. 6.

4 Why are we here? Fill gaps in chemistry knowledge
Chemistry is the foundation for high school chemistry. Academic support in science. Prepare you for academic success in all classes. What did we use to place students… -Chemistry Unit Test -STAAR Scores -Benchmark Scores -Teacher Recommendations

5 Set up our Interactive Notebooks 1. Syllabus 2. INB Score Sheet, 1.9.3
Today’s Activity Set up our Interactive Notebooks 1. Syllabus 2. INB Score Sheet, 1.9.3 3. Table of Contents, 1.9.4 4. Right Side, 1.9.5 5. Left Side, 1.9.6 6. Friendly Favorites 7. 20 sheets of notebook paper.

6 Goal Setting: 1. 4. 5. 7. 2. 3. 6. On the notecard do the following:
Name: In chemistry I know _________ well. In chemistry I had trouble with… I am going to accomplish my goals by… 5. 7. 2. 3. 6.

7 What I know about density is…
Engage On your sticky note write the following… What I know about density is… What I want to know is…

8 1. Important Formulas: Calculating Density Tools:
Volume= Final volume- initial volume Density = mass (g) volume (mL)

9 1. Calculating Density Smallest Sample Mass Volume Density 1 2 3 4

10 1. Conclusion: In today’s lab we… You can calculate density by…
One thing that was interesting was that… If I was going to do another lab related to density, I would like to…

11 Today’s Schedule Do-Now Finding Favorites About this class
Set up folders Density Lab Conclusion/Discussion Objectives: Today we will… -learn the names of the students in our group. -set goals for this enrichment class. -Use water displacement to find the volume of an object. -Calculate density to identify an unknown substance. Dark Matter Essential Questions: -It what ways can we describe the properties of substance? -How do we calculate density?

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