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Eclectic Animations.

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1 Eclectic Animations

2 Wireframe Plan for Page

3 Basics of Animation Keep in mind that transitions and transformations often used with animation
A CSS animation is an instruction to progressively update one or more CSS properties over a period of time. Building Blocks  Keyframes— for stages and styles  Name  Stages, as a percentage   CSS Properties, defined for each stage. e.g. opacity, or transform.   Properties — to elements   Assign Define how  animated  

4 Animations involve two basic parts:
The animation code Applying the animation to an element More Information at: Click for a quick perusal.

5 Animations involve two basic parts:
For an animation to work, you must specify at least the following two properties: name and duration. Additional Animation Properties In addition to the required animation-name and animation-duration properties, you can further customize and create complex animations using the following properties: animation-timing-function animation-delay animation-iteration-count animation-direction animation-fill-mode animation-play-state

6 #1 Animation: Purpose is to constantly change background color
Double click on animateONE.txt. Copy to your stylesheet. I’ll give more instructions on applying it.

7 #2 Animation: Purpose is to move object in rectangular motion
Double click on animateTWO.txt. Copy to your style sheet. There is an #anim div in the HTML <header> I’ll give more instructions on applying the animation.

8 #3 Animation/Transformation: When user hover over div, it spins
Double click on animateTHREE.txt. Copy to your style sheet. Add this div to your HTML: I’ll give more instructions on applying it to the HTML parts. <div class="morph practicePic"> <!– insert small picture here--> </div>

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