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Multy- disciplinary and inter-agency cooperation in cases of unacompanied children and possible victims of trafficing - Child-friendly model of intervention.

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Presentation on theme: "Multy- disciplinary and inter-agency cooperation in cases of unacompanied children and possible victims of trafficing - Child-friendly model of intervention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multy- disciplinary and inter-agency cooperation in cases of unacompanied children and possible victims of trafficing - Child-friendly model of intervention Stockholm, December 8th 2016 Bragi Guðbrandsson, Director General Heiða Björg Pálmadóttir, Chief Lawyer The Government Agency for Child Protection, Iceland

2 Introduction Reflection of some relevant principles of the CRC
What requirements are stipulated by international law and other tools with regard to child victims of exploitation, trafficking and children at risk in terms of trauma? The case for the “Barnahus-model“ or One Shop Stop response – to avoid trauma and elicit narratives The arrangement with for safeguarding the rights of asylum-seeking children according the New Icelandic Act on Foreigners

3 CRC General principle of Non-discrimination
Unaccompanied children and children who are possible victim of trafficking should Enjoy the same protective and participatory rights as all other children; Art 22 Access to the child protection services The child should be listened to Be ensured suitable alternative care as appropriate (prevalence given to foster placement/family setting) Art 20; recruiting foster families Needs assessment Trust and disclosure

4 Trauma and re-traumatization
Children moving across boarders, victims of trafficking, exploitation or at risk are (probably) already traumatized Danger of re-traumatization derives from multi-sectorial response if interventions are not co-ordinated in a child-friendly or sensitive manner A prerequisite for discovering and identifying child sexual abuse and exploitation is to win the trust of the child

5 UN CRC on child victimization
Article 39 “States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of.. any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse…”

6 UN CRC on revictimization
Article 3.1 “In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration” Article 12 “The Child shall …be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child…

7 UN Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime (2005)
Professional should develop and implement comprehensive and specially tailored interventions in cases where there are risks that the victim may be victimised further. These strategies… should take into account the nature of the victimization .. including sexual exploitation and trafficking.. (Art. 39)

8 EU Directive on Trafficking
Ms shall (Art 12) ensure that victims of trafficking in human beings receivee specific treatment aimed at: Preventing secondary victimisation by avoiding, as far as possible and in accordance with the grounds defined by national law: Unneccesary repetition of interviews during investigation, prosecution or trial By giving of evidence such as interview and cross-examination, by appropriate means including the us of communication technologies etc.

9 EU Directive on victims (2012)
Recognition of vulnerability and protection of victims (Art 17) For further victimisation To ensure that the risk of pscycological or emotional harm to victims during questioning or when testifying is minimised Following categories of victims are considered to be vulnerable due to the nature of the crime: a) victims of sexual violence; b) victims of human trafficking Vulnerable victims: right to sensitive and multiagency investigation, support judical procedure (Arts 21, 22, 25)

10 CoE Convention against Trafficking (2005)
Each Party shall take specific measures to reduce children’s vulnerability to trafficking, notably by creating a protective environment for them A child victim shall be afforded special protection measures taking into account the best interests of the child (Art 28) Each Party shall adopt such legislative or other measures .. to ensure in the course of judicial proceedings…in the case of child victims by taking special care of children´s needs and ensuring their right to special protection measures” (Art 30)

11 The CoE Lanzarote Convention on the protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse Unique among International Agreements Basic characteristics: Child-friendly Comprehensive In terms of scope In terms of content Interdisciplinary/Multiagency Proactive

12 Why Barnahus? To avoid repetitive interviews and the harmful effects:
Re-traumatisation Distorted accounts A prerequisite for discovering child´s trafficking is to elicit the child´s narrative To win the child´s trust Enhance reliability by application of evidence based protocols and trained interviewers

13 Mission of Barnahus Child-friendly intervention
The objective is to identify child-friendly strategies and practices to ensure The „best interests of the child“ without compromising the human right principle The “due process” (fair trial) “Equality of arms”, “evidential immediacy”

14 Multiagency collaboration
The Gov. Agency for Child Protection The State Police The State Prosecution The Police Dep. in Reykjavik The University Hospital – Dep. of Paediatric and Dep. of child Psychiatry Association of the Directors of Local Social Services The Child Protection Services in Reykjavik

15 CAC/Barnahus Joint Invest. Interviews: court statements/ CPS interviews Victim Therapy Medical Exams and Evaluation Consultation and advice to local CPS Education, training and research Family Counselling/ Support

16 Putting theories into practice New Foreigners Act in Iceland (no
Principles of child-friendly approach The Government Agency for Child Protection (The Gov. Agency) has a the obligation to be the guardian of the child’s rights Make sure the child‘s best interest are respected and the child gets the assistance it needs while the case with The Directorate of Immigration is processed A Gode-man ideology/approach

17 What does the Guardianship entail? (1)
The Gov. Agency is responsible to safeguard the minor’s interest Unaccompanied asylum-seekers or possible victims of trafficking Make sure the child’s best interest are in the forefront of each case Make sure there is a foster home or another type of residential home available

18 What does the Guardianship entail? (2)
Make sure that the CPS fulfil their obligations: Such as residence, health care and the possibility of education Regularly get information on the status of the minor’s application for a residency permit or asylum and be contact with the spokesperson Be present for interviews and statements the minor gives to the authorities/other examinations Assist the minor to get the services of The Red Cross in the interest of finding next of kin CPS must take into account the child’s nationality, gender, language and a religious and cultural background of the minor

19 The process (1) The Directorate of Immigration
Has the obligation to send a report to the Gov. Agency and the local child protection services (CPS) where the minor comes forward Conducts an interview as soon as possible Obligation that the person is an expert in the matters of children The Directorate and the Agency have made an agreement that all unaccompanied minors are interviewed in Barnahús by a specialist Is responsible for everything concerning the application for assylum

20 The process (2) CPS take over the child’s care as soon as The Directorate has determined the child’s age and the interview has been conducted Aim is to have available foster-homes for all children that are fit to stay with families Are responsible for all matters concerning the child’s safety and well-being

21 Best interest of the child
Must be in focus when a minor’s application for asylum is reviewed Obligation to regard the child’s possibility for family integration, it’s welfare and safety and social development Child’s views must be taken into consideration Obligation to consult with child protection authorities in all cases involving children When a child is unaccompanied The Directorate must obtain a formal opinion from The Agency before making a decision

22 The end of guardianship
The Agency’s guardianship of the child’s rights formally ends when: The minor becomes an adult or then The Directorate makes the decision that the individual is an adult The child is granted a residence permit/asylum The child moves out of the country or is exported The legal guardians are able to fulfil their custodial duties properly

23 Continuing duties of CPS
After asylum/residential permit is granted The Agency decides which CPS takes custody of the child The case with the CPS is then open until the minor becomes an adult 

24 Who does what? - Summary Directorate of Immigration
Process an application for asylum/residence permit Inform The Agency and CPS about the child’s arrival Collect and review all information relevant to that application Make decisions regarding that case Child protection Services Provide the child with a safe place to stay Make sure that the child gets necessary services, such as regarding school and health care Get regular information regarding the application with The Directorate The Government Agency for Child Protection Make sure that there are available foster homes or other residential care homes Follow up on the case regularly to make sure that the CPC is fulfilling their obligation Give The Directorate opinions before the it denies an unaccompanied child asylum

25 The importance of inter-agency coopereation
Important that the procedures are as child-friendly as possible Decreases the odds of trauma or re-traumatization Increases the odds of the child disclosing possible trafficking or trauma Makes sure that the best interests of children are in the forefront of each case Makes sure that an experts in the matters of children handle their case and are in contact with the child In best accordance to the CRC and other HR conventions, guidelines and directives

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