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Microsimulation as a Tool in Developing

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1 Microsimulation as a Tool in Developing
Interregional Input-Output Tables A Case-Study of the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland – I am Yoshifumi Ishikawa, visiting from Fuji Tokoha University in Japan. It will be my pleasure today to show you "A three-region interregional input-output model using a non-survey technique” and “a case study of the economic effects of an actual public works projects as application of the model" Yoshifumi Ishikawa, Eveline van Leeuwen and Peter Nijkamp Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2 1 Introduction~The purpose of this study
PLAN OF PRESENTATION 1 Introduction~The purpose of this study 2 A framework of input-output table –A three region interregional Input-output Table- 3 The use of microsimulation for compiling the IO table 4 The application to Cairngorms national park, Scotland 5 Conclusion I will first talk about the purpose of this study, I explain necessity of three-region inter-regional input-output model in particular. Secondly, I explain three-region interregional input-output model. I use the location quotient method as the method of estimating inter-regional trades. As a case study, I applied this new model to estimate the economic effects of a new airport in Japan. So, thirdly, I talk about the model construction and data for an analysis of the economic effects of a case study. And, I explain characteristics of model input and results of measuring economic effects Finally, I will summarize the results of this study.

3 Advantages of regional input-output table
To study interdependences among different sectors in an economy; To identify the indirect demands concerning intermediate consumptions; To obtain an extensive picture of important macroeconomic aggregates, such as: production; demand; trade flows.

4 Some problems of regional input-output table
Most statistical offices have not provided regional input-output tables for small region. Most regional IO tables are compiled in the form of intraregional Input-output table. This type of table does not take into consideration Interregional feedback effects. Due to luck of regional specific data, It is difficult to construct regional input-output tables. Survey, Non-survey and Hybrid approach

5 Feedback Effects among Regions
Final demand   △F Region1 Region2 Intermediate consumption Import from Region2 Export to Region 1

6 To propose a three-region interregional input-output
OBJECTIVES To propose a three-region interregional input-output framework which covers a small region where input- output tables is not available. To present a new hybrid approach that combines microsimulation based on survey data with existing input-output tables. To construct a three-region interregional input-output table for the Cairngorms national parks, Scotland and the UK The porpose of this study are the following, First, That is construction a three-region interregional input output model which deal with endogenously inter-regional income distribution and inter-regional trade. Second, As a case study, I Evaluate the regional economic effect of a new airport in Japan “Chubu international airport” using this new model.

7 Three region interregional IO Framework
Rest of the World Region3 Region M N12 N32 Region2 E3 M2 M3 E2 Region1 N23 E1 N31 M1 N21 N13

8 ※It is assumed that Input-Output tables for the whole
Region1 Region2 Rest of the Country (Region3) Trade Foreign Trade Region"M" Then, let's go on to the main subjects. I explain three region interregional input-output model. Firstly, I talk about division of regions. When we analyze regional economic effects created by large-scale infrastructure, the region of interest to be measured is shown in this Figure. That is, These regions are a small region with infrastructure, the middle region surrounding small region, and the area other than the middle region. Small region is defined as region 1,middle region as Region2, rest of country as region3. And I define the whole region, consisting of region 1 and region 2 as region M. It is assumed that input-output tables for the whole country and region M. are already prepared, but on input-output table in region 1 has not been constructed. ※It is assumed that Input-Output tables for the whole country and region M are already prepared, But, Input-output table for region 1 (small region) has not been constructed.

9 Compensation of employees Gross operating surplus
Three region interregional Input-output table Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Export Output X11 X12 X13 F11 F12 F13 E1 X1 X21 X22 X23 F21 F22 F23 E2 X2 X31 X32 X33 F31 F32 F33 E3 X3 Import MI1 MI2 MI3 Subtotal Z1 D1 D2 D3 Taxes less subsidies 1 L11 L12 L13 2 L21 L22 L23 3 L31 L32 L33 Compensation of employees C11 C12 C13 C21 C22 C23 C31 C32 C33 Gross operating surplus S1 S2 S3 Subtotal of VA V1 V2 V3

10 Compensation of employees Gross operating surplus
Intermediate Demand Final Demand Export output Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 E X T11A1X1 (1-N3M-MM)(1-T22) A2X2 R1NM3A3X3 T11 f D1 (1-N3M-MM) (1-T22) F2 R1NM3F3 E1 X1 T21A1X1 (1-N3M-MM) T22A2X2 (1-R1)NM3A3X3 T21 f D1 T22F2 (1-R1)NM3F3 E2 X2 T31A1X1 N3MA2X2 (1-NM3-M3+NM3M3) A3X3 T31 f D1 N3M F2 (1-NM3-M3+NM3M3)F3 E3 X3 Import M1 A1X1 MMA2X2 M3(1-NM3) M1 f D1 MMF2 M3(1-NM3)F3 Subtotal Z1 Z2 Z3 D1 D2 D3 Tax on Products 1 G11=h11 g X1 G12 = h12G2 G13 = h13G3 2 G21=h21 g X1 G22 = h22G2 G23 = h23G3 3 G31=h31 g X1 G32 = h32G2 G33 = h33G3 Taxes less subsidies L11=p11 l X1 L12 = p12L2 L13 =p 13L3 L21=p21 l X1 L22 = p22L2 L23 = p23L3 L31=p31 l X1 L32 = p32L2 L33 = p33L3 Compensation of employees C11=q11 c X1 C12 = q12C2 C13 =q 13C3 C21=q21 c X1 C22 = q22C2 C23 = q23C3 C31=q31 c X1 C32 = q32C2 C33 = q33C3 Gross operating surplus S1=V1-L1-C1 S2=V2-L2-C2 S3=V3-L3-C3 Subtotal of VA V1=vX1 V2=vX2 V3=vX3 Output

11 Intermediate Demand Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 T11A1X1 (1-N3M-MM)(1-T22) A2X2 R1NM3A3X3 T21A1X1 (1-N3M-MM) T22A2X2 (1-R1)NM3A3X3 T31A1X1 N3MA2X2 (1-NM3-M3+NM3M3) A3X3 Import M1 A1X1 MMA2X2 M3(1-NM3)

12 Region 2 Import into Region 2 from Region 1
Rest of the Country (Region3) Region"M" Foreign Trade Region2 Region1 Trade Import into Region 2 from Region 1 Import into Region 2 from Region 2 Next, I explain the regional trading patterns of region 1 and region2 with regions other than M. Because Region 1 and Region 2 are included in region M, it can be assumed that the trade coefficient and import coefficient are equivalent to the regional trade coefficient and import coefficient of Region M. Therefore, for region 1 and region 2 import from region3 toward total intra regional demand are shown in each regions in these formula. Import into Region 2 from Region 3 Import into Region 2 from foreign countries

13 Region 3 Import from Region 1 into Region 3
Rest of the Country (Region3) Region"M" Foreign Trade Region2 Trade Region1 Import from Region 1 into Region 3 Import from Region 2 into Region 3 Also, as the other trade, Export from region 1 and region 2 into region 3 means import into region3 Therefore, Export from region1 and region 2 into region3 are shown in this formula. In addition, import from region 1 and region 2 are this formula. Lastly, Export from region3 into region M are shown in this formula. Import from Region 3 into Region 3 Import from foreign countries into Region 3

14 Microsimulation as a tool in simulating local trade
Region 1 Rest of the Country (Region3) Region"M" Foreign Trade Region2 Region1 Trade Import from Region 1 into Region 1 Import from Region 2 into Region 1 Microsimulation as a tool in simulating local trade Also, as the other trade, Export from region 1 and region 2 into region 3 means import into region3 Therefore, Export from region1 and region 2 into region3 are shown in this formula. In addition, import from region 1 and region 2 are this formula. Lastly, Export from region3 into region M are shown in this formula. Import from Region 3 into Region 1 Import from foreign countries into Region 1

15 Use of Microsimulation (MSM)
MSM is a technique that focuses on individual decision makers such as persons, firms or households with the aim to develop large scale datasets. This technique builds large-scale data sets on the attributes of individual units such as persons, households, and firms or orgagizations. It has the ability of complementing sample data. We can obtain precise information on a small region at low cost.

16 Procedure of constructing three region IO table
Phase 1 Preparation of IO tables for the middle region and country, and some data Phase 2 Survey for small region (Region 1) →Microsimulation Phase 3 The estimation of regional trade coefficients and other coefficients Phase 4 Compilation of the three region interregional IO table Phase 5 Adjustment of IO table

17 Compensation of employees Gross operating surplus
Intermediate Demand Final Demand Export output Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 E X T11A1X1 (1-N3M-MM)(1-T22) A2X2 R1NM3A3X3 T11 f D1 (1-N3M-MM) (1-T22) F2 R1NM3F3 E1 X1 T21A1X1 (1-N3M-MM) T22A2X2 (1-R1)NM3A3X3 T21 f D1 T22F2 (1-R1)NM3F3 E2 X2 T31A1X1 N3MA2X2 (1-NM3-M3+NM3M3) A3X3 T31 f D1 N3M F2 (1-NM3-M3+NM3M3)F3 E3 X3 Import M1 A1X1 MMA2X2 M3(1-NM3) M1 f D1 MMF2 M3(1-NM3)F3 Subtotal Z1 Z2 Z3 D1 D2 D3 Tax on Products 1 G11=h11 g X1 G12 = h12G2 G13 = h13G3 2 G21=h21 g X1 G22 = h22G2 G23 = h23G3 3 G31=h31 g X1 G32 = h32G2 G33 = h33G3 Taxes less subsidies L11=p11 l X1 L12 = p12L2 L13 =p 13L3 L21=p21 l X1 L22 = p22L2 L23 = p23L3 L31=p31 l X1 L32 = p32L2 L33 = p33L3 Compensation of employees C11=q11 c X1 C12 = q12C2 C13 =q 13C3 C21=q21 c X1 C22 = q22C2 C23 = q23C3 C31=q31 c X1 C32 = q32C2 C33 = q33C3 Gross operating surplus S1=V1-L1-C1 S2=V2-L2-C2 S3=V3-L3-C3 Subtotal of VA V1=vX1 V2=vX2 V3=vX3 Output

18 A Case-Study of the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland

19 CNP 17,000 persons; 8,000 households; Several villages;
11,000 economic active persons; 1200 firms; 30% of value added from tourism. Aim: To get a better picture of the CNP economy and to simulate effects of sustainability policies.

20 Regional division of this case-study
Rest of the World United Kingdam Region3 (Rest of UK) Region M (Scotland) Region2 (Rest of Scotland) Region1 (Cairngorms:CNP ) ・Input-output tables have been constructed for UK and Scotland, ・The Sector number is 42

21 Microsimulation 2004 UK Symmetric IO Table (123sectors)
2007 Scotland Symmetric IO Table(126secors) Questionnaire Survey in CNP Statistical data for CNP 2004 UK Symmetric IO Table (108sectors) Microsimulation Data for IO compilation (Compensation of employee, Consumption expenditure by Households in CNP) 2007 UK Supply and Use Table (108 industries) RAS Method Regional trade 2007 UK Symmetric IO Table (108sectors) 2007 Scotland Symmetric IO Table(108secors) The estimation of regional trade coefficients and other coefficients Three region Interregional Symmetric IO Table (42sectors)

22 Response Only 20 firms > need to rethink our approach;
Response Only 20 firms > need to rethink our approach; 100 households of which we know where they buy which products, where they work, income level, etc. On average they buy 37% of all products in the park and 54% of all services. 45% of the households has at least one job in the Park.

23 8,000 totals basic attributes
MSM to link databases 100 surveys 2,000 detailed attributes 8,000 totals basic attributes

24 Links households Attribute Survey Database Totals HH size x HH income Occupation Job location Years of residence Total purchases Products/Services Location purchases We will use a deterministic approach to simulate the households.

25 Direct input from own region by the demand for each industry

26 Economic effects on own region by the increase of demand for each industry

27 Economic effects of household consumption in CNP on each region
Consumption by CNP household estimated by microsimulation Million £ total of CNP 59 48% total of region2 54 44% total of region3 11 9% Leontief Inverse Matrix based on three region interregional IO

28 Economic effects of household consumption in CNP on each region
Economic effects of Consumption by CNP household Million £ Consumption Effects CNP 59 48% 77 31% Rest of Scotland 54 44% 115 46% Rest of UK 11 9% 60 24%

29 Economic effects on CNP economy

30 Economic effects on each economy

31 CONCLUSION 1. This research has developed a three-region interregional
input-output framework by dividing the whole country into three regions with the concept of hierarchical structure 2.We proposed a new hybrid technique for compiling a three region input-output table using microsimulation. 3.By applying this method into Cairngorms National Park, we have investigated the economic structure in terms of regional interdependence, and economic impacts of consumption by household in CNP. I will summarize the results of this study. First, I constructed a three-region interregional input-output model by dividing the whole country into three regions. Also,the model was formulated as a consumption endogenous model that adds inter-region distributed income. Third, by applying this model into actual public works projects, the economic effects were analyzed according to its kind of region and industry in detail. I found differences in economic effects in terms of region

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