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Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention

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1 Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention

2 Now what could go wrong here?????

3 Slips-Trips-Falls (STF)
STF’s occur in any part of the workplace whether inside or outside. STF’s may result in serious outcomes STF’s cost to both worker and employer can be great STF’s is like stepping on money Impact To Worker: Impact To Employer: Pain Lost wages Temporary or permanent disability Reduced quality of life Depression Lost productivity and business Increased insurance premiums Costs of replacement worker Cost of medical treatment

4 Common types of STF Injuries:
Sprains, strains Bruises, contusions Fractures Abrasions, lacerations

5 Commonly affected Body Parts:
Knee, Ankle, Foot Wrist, Elbow Back Shoulder Hip Head

6 What causes slips, trips and falls?
Slips can occur when floors or other working surfaces become slippery due to wet or oily processes, floor cleaning, leaks, or from materials and debris left in walkways. Trips can occur due to uneven floor or working surfaces, protruding nails and boards, from stretched carpet or bunched floor mats intended to prevent slipping, from holes or depressions in working surfaces, and from step- risers on stairs that are not uniform in height. Both slips and trips can result in falls. In addition, falls can occur when ladders are not maintained properly, and when stairways and elevated working surfaces are not designed properly.

7 Many Could Have Been Prevented
According to the U. S. Department of Labor, slips, trips, and falls make up the majority of general industry accidents. 25% of reported claims per fiscal year are due to STF. Over 17% of all disabling work injuries are the result of falls.

8 Factors Increasing the Risk
Not Paying Attention Clutter Look familiar??

9 OSHA General Requirements
Housekeeping Workplaces shall be kept clean, orderly, and sanitary. Workroom floors shall be maintained as clean and dry as possible. Every floor, working place and passageway shall be kept free from protruding nails, splinters, holes, or loose boards.

10 Factors Increasing the Risk
Not Paying Attention Improper Method of Carrying Items

11 Housekeeping Close file cabinet or storage drawers
Report cables/wires that cross walkway Keep working areas and walkways well lit and clear Report burned out bulbs Be aware of your surroundings and report any perceived danger Discuss the list on the slide. Ask participants if they know of any injuries caused by one of these risk factors. Have them tell what the injury was, the risk factor and how could have it been avoided. Remember, without good housekeeping practices, any other preventative measures such as installation of sophisticated flooring, specialty footwear or training on techniques of walking will never be fully effective.

12 Housekeeping DON’Ts…………
Prop fire doors open. Store materials in stairwells. Store trash cans in front of doorway. Use chair to block an emergency cut-off valve. Place chairs in dangerous areas. For example, the chair in the picture could represent a struck against hazard. DO……… CORRECT or REPORT these HAZARDS!

13 OSHA General Requirements
§ (b) Aisles and passageways Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear and in good repair. Permanent aisles and passageways shall be marked. Where mechanical handling equipment is used, aisles, loading docks, and doorways shall maintain sufficient safe clearances.

14 Sidewalks and Crosswalks
Report these dangers

15 Slips on Ice No matter how well the snow and ice is removed from parking lots or sidewalks, your employees will still encounter some slippery surfaces when walking outdoors in the winter.

16 Slips on Ice Use appropriate footwear - In icy weather, ladies should leave the heels at home. Ideally, wear boots or shoes with a good grip and strong soles. Shoes with built-in support at the ankles will protect you from potential ankle injuries should you fall. Use special care when entering and exiting vehicles; use the vehicle for support. Walk in designated walkways as much as possible. Taking shortcuts over snow piles and other frozen areas can be hazardous. Look ahead when you walk; a snow- or ice covered sidewalk or driveway, may require travel along its grassy edge for traction.

17 Slips on Ice Prevention

18 Slip, Trip and Fall Hazard
PROBLEM: Slip: if it is wet outside and the mat is folded back, then the floor is getting wet instead of the mat absorbing the water. Trip: the mat is folded back and someone could catch their foot on the mat and trip. Fall: both a wet floor and caught foot could contribute to a fall. CORRECT this HAZARD!

19 Resources National Floor Safety Institute
American National Standards Institute OSHA NIOSH

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