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Status of Bonding R1N, R1S, R3 of TEC University of Hamburg

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1 Status of Bonding R1N, R1S, R3 of TEC University of Hamburg
Peter Schleper CMS tracker meeting, April 2004

2 Bonding @ Hamburg Final version of bonding jigs
(flexible step height between sensor and frame) final modules R1N R1S R3 bonded tested good (2 damaged) In addition: first “final” R3 modules from gantry in Brussels: first “final” R1 modules from gantry in Lyon:

3 Modul Bonding Status Old frames, Ceramics upside/down
Needs different tools Lyon modules, Ceramics o.k, Glue added by hand Bonded and tested 2 modules damaged 13 modules o.k. First modules from Brussels, o.k. at first look To be bonded

4 Pull tests Done on each 50th wire all recent and old Modules
 Bonding process is stable In addition: Qualification tests Test bonds on PA + pull test Pull test of CERN PA bonds Modules sent to CERN

5 AOH TEC AOH distribution: Vienna –(CERN)-Hamburg  centres
~ 1000 AOH are in Hamburg (10% of total) few missing types in Aachen and Lyon waiting for requests by Petal integration centres

6 Conclusion Experience from 15 prototype modules:
Bonding process fine, final version of jigs ARC tests o.k., detailed analysis needed, cut values to be tuned (Version7.1 …) Database in use  Ready for production Modules for system tests: Modules sent to Aachen  arrived and tested o.k. ! Lyon: 1 module is missing (damaged)  try to recover module without ceramics First “final” modules from gantries arrived (with ceramics): Brussels R3: 21 modules small scratches on back side, glue spot on wrong position not well fixed in transport box  to be bonded Lyon R1: 35 modules on the way Optohybrids: requests awaited from TEC centres

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