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Warm Up Write a sentence that uses each of the following terms: predator and prey List three animals that are predators and three animals that are considered.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Write a sentence that uses each of the following terms: predator and prey List three animals that are predators and three animals that are considered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Write a sentence that uses each of the following terms: predator and prey List three animals that are predators and three animals that are considered prey.

2 Standard S7L1 Students will investigate the diversity of living organisms and how they can be compared scientifically.

3 Standards S7L4 Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments. A: Demonstrate in a food web that matter is transferred from on organism to another and can recycle between organisms and their environments. P 486 C: Recognize that changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of both individuals and entire species.

4 Animal Behavior How do animals know when a situation is dangerous?
How do they know where to find food? Sometimes animals instinctively know how to behave, but sometimes they learn how.

5 Group Activity Exploring the diversity of animals
Through group discussions write down two examples for each of the following: Animals that crawl Animals that fly Animals that lack bones African animals North American animals Ocean animals Animals that have more than four legs Answers should be as specific as possible. Each group should have accountable talk and scientific discussions!

6 Innate Behavior What is innate behavior?
Innate behaviors are inherited through genes. Give three examples of innate behaviors. Some innate behaviors are present at birth. Give one example of an innate behavior present at birth. Some innate behaviors develop months or years after birth. Give one example of an innate behavior that develops later.

7 Learned Behaviors What is the definition for learned behaviors?
Learned behavior can be learned from other animals or experiences. Give one example of a learned behavior.

8 Survival Behavior Animals us survival behavior to survive.
They us these behaviors to stay alive. They must avoid being eaten, and it must find food, water, and a place to live.

9 Finding Food Animals find food in many ways.
What are some ways animals find food? Animals that eat other animals are known as what? The animal that is being eaten is known as what? Get into groups of two and draw a food web about predators and prey. Use book for research. Page 486

10 Ticket Out How are vertebrates different from invertebrates?
This question is your ticket out of the classroom. The teacher will call each student to exit the classroom.

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