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Work Time Work with your team to further develop and/or refine your written gifted and talented plan. A copy of your new/revised written gifted and talented.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Time Work with your team to further develop and/or refine your written gifted and talented plan. A copy of your new/revised written gifted and talented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Time Work with your team to further develop and/or refine your written gifted and talented plan. A copy of your new/revised written gifted and talented plan is due July 6.

2 Gifted and Talented Academy
Session 6 June 15, 2012

3 Agenda Day 6 Welcome/Warm Up In-service Design
Comprehensive Programming: Points and Questions to Consider Work Time Celebrate Accomplishments

4 Warm Up Review plan components developed so far (e.g., mission, identification, differentiated program, program goals, staffing provisions) Consider barriers from our discussion yesterday and if/how any impact your plan and services What barriers could be addressed through professional development? Large group sharing

5 Program Goals Review your program goals in terms of
Alignment Validity Comprehensiveness Clarity These traits are found on p of your Purcell & Eckert text. Reference those pages for more details and make adjustments to goals accordingly. Remember these should include both student outcome goals the goals and those you set to assure quality gifted and talented programming is provided. They must be measurable!! Be sure to check Chapter 59 regarding the areas in which program goals are required.

6 In-service Design …whatever teachers become professionally, the process is not finished when they complete their teacher education program at age 21. Learning to teach well is a lifetime endeavor. The growth of understanding and skill in teaching terminates only when we do. --Eisner, 2002 Discuss how this applies to your school/district and the teachers in it. Do you and they, on the whole, approach professional learning in this way or is it seen as a necessary evil? Some teachers very much live out this quote; they are eager to learn new things and improve their professional practices. There are also those are the antithesis of this way of thinking; they are the 25 year veterans who have taught the same year 25 times and swear there is absolutely no benefit to them from any professional development activity. Create a continuum of behaviors – things you would see and hear – that might illuminate where on this spectrum teachers might fall.

7 In-service Design for Gifted
What does it currently look like in your district? Format Time Participants What does the word “design” imply? In what ways might an effective in-service design align with and support all other plan components?

8 In-service Design for Gifted
Review the Guiding Principles on p. 185 Discuss and complete the self-assessment “Guiding Principles for Gifted and Talented In-service Design” What needs to improve about your in-service design? (Develop a program goal?) The self-assessment is found on the Wiki. You might also consider looking at the Inservice Design section of the Self-Audit/Reflection Tool found on the Heartland Web site at

9 Work Time Use this time to develop and/or refine sections of your written gifted and talented plan.

10 Processing Time Individually identify Discuss with your team/table
One area of team growth this year One area of personal growth One team goal for next year One personal goal for next year Discuss with your team/table Develop one team goal for future work and share.

11 Required Submissions Your written comprehensive program plan sections
Vision/Mission/Beliefs (at the minimum a mission or philosophy) Identification – including target population Differentiated Program Program Goals and Performance Measures In-service Design Staffing Provisions & Qualifications of Personnel Administering the Program These may be shared as Google docs or on a Google site (be sure to share with me), in hard copy (send to me at Heartland AEA, 6500 Corporate Drive, Johnston, IA 50131), as a Word document, or posted to your team Wiki (share the URL with me). My is and my phone number is (local) ext or (toll free) ext 14375

12 GT Academy II October 18 November 29 February 12 April 9
Location: Ames AEA Office

13 CELEBRATE! Thanks for your hard work, flexibility, and dedication this year. I look forward to seeing you next year in Gifted Academy II.

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