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Directions for Student Biographies

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1 Directions for Student Biographies
Lesson 5 | Growing Up Female Directions for Student Biographies In your small group: Reader, read the biography of a fictional student to your group. Discuss how young people might feel about growing up. Leader, make sure everyone has a chance to speak. Recorder, describe how the fictional student might be feeling. Decide how to help your peers as they go through the changes of puberty. Recorder, explain how to be a respectful and helpful friend to the fictional student. After five to ten minutes, each group’s reader will read the biography, and the spokesperson will share the group’s ideas with the class. 1 Grade 5 | Lesson 6

2 What Respect Looks and Sounds Like
Lesson 5 | Growing Up Female What Respect Looks and Sounds Like Respect Looks Like: Stand face to face. Maintain eye contact or attention. Allow personal space. Respect Sounds Like: Listen without interruptions. Use a normal voice, not soft or loud. Use “I-messages,” not blame language. Speak honestly and kindly about feelings, opinions, and needs. Ask clearly and directly for action. 2 Grade 5 | Lesson 6

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