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END OF THE COLD WAR Chapter 33 Section 4.

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1 END OF THE COLD WAR Chapter 33 Section 4

2 NEW LEADERSHIP 1985 – Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union
Economic Conditions: Agricultural production down Limited/poor quality of goods, Little incentive for workers to work harder/produce more Shortages; rationing Severe housing crisis

3 NEW IDEAS Perestroika – economic “restructuring”
Closed unprofitable state run factories; limited private ownership Cut defense budget Glasnost – “openess” in regard to nation’s political and social problems Media and public allowed greater freedom to criticize the gov’t

4 REAGAN’S VIEW OF USSR Early in Presidency, thought Soviet Union was the “Evil Empire” ongoing threat to freedom and democracy Led to the Reagan Doctrine Strategic Air Defense Initiate (SDI) 1983 Idea to create a “missile shield” to protect the US from a nuclear attack To be a deterrent to war; make nuclear weapons obsolete Dubbed “Star Wars” by the media Nuclear Freeze Movement – halt production, testing, and deployment of nuclear weapons by the superpowers



7 NEGOTIATIONS Gorbachev’s View:
Arms race = costly (already in economic trouble; fighting a war in Afghanistan) Reduction might help Soviet economy BUT - SDI is worrisome; leaves USSR vulnerable to attack Deal-breaker! Reagan: Agreed to meet in 1985, then again in 1986 Turns out they liked each other

8 OUTCOME 1987 – Both leaders signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) Both countries agreed to remove and destroy all missiles with a range of miles Both sides would have to destroy missiles and be allowed to inspect each other’s missile bases

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