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Proposed criteria for putting aid on budget

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed criteria for putting aid on budget"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed criteria for putting aid on budget

2 Presentation outline Why are criteria needed? What are the criteria.

3 Why are criteria needed?
To help budget officers In districts, public entities, ministries In the National Budget Unit To help donors that want their aid to be on budget to know what are the requirements To improve transparency of the Government’s decision to put aid on budget, and the related trade offs

4 What are the criteria What can be on budget What should be on budget
Timeliness Format What should be on budget Government Sector Reliable Under the control of Government

5 Projects should be signed by GoR NO
Not on budget Nor on Parliament Projects should be in support of line ministries, autonomous and semi-autonomous entities, districts or other public entities NO YES Not on budget Nor on Parliament Projects should be signed by GoR NO YES Project estimates should be transmitted to the line ministry in charge, with copy to MINECOFIN at the latest by end June of the previous fiscal year (December for new budget calendar) Not on budget Nor on Parliament YES NO YES

6 On budget: in an annex to the finance law
The budget agency in charge of the project must be in control of project preparation and implementation. The project can be implemented by public institutions or by external entities (NGOs, consultancies). See below On budget: in an annex to the finance law Not on Parliament NO All the conditions below must be met If there is a third party as implementing partner (NGO, consulting firm, etc), a contract must be signed between the budget agency and the implementing partner and MINECOFIN The responsible budget agency is implicated in the decision on the allocation of funds for the project Disbursement of the funds is approved by the budget agency’s Chief Budget Manager The project submits its accounts to the responsible budget agency Supporting documents for financial transactions are kept by the responsible budget agency YES

7 on budget On budget On Parliament On budget
The project should appear on budget If the project is signed by the District(s) If the project is signed by Ministries or central government entities If the project is signed by the Public Entity (autonomous and semi-autonomous agencies) Project in district budget Approved by District Council Project in central government budget Appropriated by Parliament Project in public entity budget Approved by the Board Annex to Finance Law On budget Finance Law On Parliament Annex to Finance Law On budget

8 Thank you!

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