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1 Revision

2 Question 1 1- When a particle is in equilibrium, the sum of forces acting on it equals to: (a) A constant (b) A positive number (c) Zero (d) A negative number (e) none of the above 2- Using right side direction as a positive, for the link below, the sum of forces in the x- direction ( FX) is: (a) 600 cos 30o – 400 sin 50o (b) 600 cos 30o – 400 cos 50o (c) 600 sin 30o – 400 cos 50o (d) 600 sin 30o – 400 cos 50o

3 3- For the cantliever beam shown below, the moment at the fixed end A is equal to:
(a) 3315 kN.m (b) 108 kN.m (c) 4126 kN.m (d) 33 kN.m (e) none of the above 4- For determining the centroid of the area shown below, what are the coordinates (x,y) of the centroid of rectangle ABCD with respect to x and y - axis? (a) (115, 15) mm (b) (100, 15) mm (c) (115, 185) mm (d) (50, 100) mm

4 Question 1 5- The SI units for the moment of Inertia for an area is :
(a) m3 (b) m4 (c) kg.m2 (d) kg.m3 (e) none of the above 6- If a block is stationary (no movements) and the coefficient of static friction is s , then the friction force acting on it is: (a)  s*N (b) = s*N (c)  s*N (d) = k*N

5 Question 2 A simply supported beam (AB) of span 12 m is subjected to the uniformly distributed load of 10 kN/m alomg 6 m span and non-uniformly distributed load of 12 kN/m along 6 m span as shown in Fig. Q1-B below. Determine the reactions at the supports A and B.

6 Question 3 For the cross sectional beam shown in Fig. Q2-a, calculate the location of the centroid with respect to x and y axes.

7 Question 4 For the truss shown in Fig. Q2-b, determine the internal force in members BC, CF,FE and ED using section method of analysis. Indicate whether the members are in tension or in compression.

8 Question 5 A frame is subjected to five concentrated loads as shown in Fig. Q3-a. Determine the reactions at supports A and B.

9 Question 6 Replace the loading system acting on the frame shown in Fig.Q4-a by an equivalent resultant force and couple moment at point C.

10 Question 7 A 200Kg block placed on a inclined plane as shown in Fig. Q5-a. The coefficients of friction between the block and the plane are μs = 0.5 Determine the state of the block if the applied force (p) is 1150 N.

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