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What’s going on in Revelation 15 – 18 ?

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2 What’s going on in Revelation 15 – 18 ?
Chs 4 – 16 : various Judgements from God’s Throne Chs 6 – 7 : 7 Seals opened … God’s People (belonging to the Lamb) sealed from God’s Judgements Chs 8 – 11 : 7 Trumpets … more pics of Judgement not always Protected FROM Suffering but THROUGH Suffering “Trust ‘til the End – God’s People win!”

3 What’s going on in Revelation 15 – 18 ?
Chs 12 – 14 : God’s ultimate enemies – Serpent / Dragon / Satan – 1st Beast from the Sea – 2nd Beast / False Prophet Ch 14.1 – 5 : God’s People ( ) sealed / protected Ch 14.6 – 20 : Judgement & Hell upon those not on the side of Jesus (the Lamb)

4 A Revelation Creed : for the Believer
God is on the Throne Trust ‘til the End The Lamb wins His people win also!


6 Revelation 16 (so we can finish this series before Christmas 2019)
3 Plagues (cf. Egypt / Exodus) … response of worship (v6 – 7) v8 – 21 4 Plagues … response of hardness of heart … refusing to repent … specifically v9, v11, v21 “they did not repent & give God the glory” “they did not repent of their deeds” “they cursed God for the plague of hail”

7 A Clear & Present Danger
“Behold I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked & be seen exposed” Rev 16.15 “Come out of her, My people – lest you take part in her sins; lest you share in her plagues” Rev 18.4

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