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Adrian Guan, ISO/TC 204 Committee Manager

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1 Adrian Guan, ISO/TC 204 Committee Manager
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 ISO/TC 204 Status Report CITS meeting, 8 March 2019 Geneva, Switzerland Adrian Guan, ISO/TC 204 Committee Manager

2 New Working Group 19: Mobility Integration
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 New Working Group 19: Mobility Integration In September 2018, TC 204 resolved to establish a new Working Group 19 on Mobility integration. Scope: Development of ITS standards products supporting enhanced integration of services and applications of ITS solutions focussed on the urban ITS and mobility integration. This Working Group will only develop documents that do not fall into the remit of the other working groups. Convenor: Knut Evensen (Norway) The working group will initially work collaboratively on Intelligent transport systems – Mobility integration – Gap and overlap analysis of ISO/TC 204 work programme for mobility integration with CEN/TC 278/WG 17 under the Vienna Agreement. Note: Mobility integration being defined as the integration of mobility aspects spanning different surface transport modes, urban/interurban changeover, and other multidisciplinary aspects affecting mobility.

3 WG19’s Potential Preliminary Work Items
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 WG19’s Potential Preliminary Work Items Management for Electronic Traffic Regulations (METR) Urban ITS – Models and definitions for new modes Traffic management systems TM interfaces and information Location referencing harmonization for Urban ITS Part 1-State of the art and guidelines DATEX II Part 8 Traffic management publications and extensions dedicated to the urban environment DATEX II Part 9_Traffic signal management publications dedicated to the urban environment Traffic management systems Status, fault and quality requirements Location referencing harmonization for Urban ITS Part 2-Transformation methods Urban ITS - Air quality management in urban areas Urban ITS - 'Controlled Zone' management using C-ITS These PWIs will be discussed at TC 204 Spring 2019 Plenary.

4 ITS Communication System
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 ITS Communication System TC 204 will continue to be agnostic in our standards with respect to the DSRC/C-V2X. DIS Intelligent transport systems -- Evolved-universal terrestrial radio access network -- Part 3: LTE-V2X, approved for registration as FDIS, in November 2018 TC 204 disbanded its DSRC ad-hoc group, and received a new proposal to form an DSRC advisory group in order to report on the current technical trends in communication systems. The decision of the new advisory group to be made at TC 204 Spring Plenary

5 8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 Vehicle Automation WG14 is undertaking several work items in vehicle automation. E.g. ISO/SAE NP PAS Taxonomy and definitions for terms related to driving automation systems for on-road motor vehicles TC 204 supports the movement toward highly automated vehicles but takes a cautious approach. There are so many other moving pieces in this space.

6 Artificial Intelligence
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 Artificial Intelligence TC 204 established a new ad hoc group on artificial intelligence in April 2018. Convenor: Dean Zabrieszach (Australia) Goal: to investigate the use of Artificial Intelligence in the development of ITS standards Scope Classification & Identification – Trucks, Vehicles, Cyclists, Pedestrians, LNPR, OD etc... Prediction – Volume, Occupancy, Speed Human Machine Interface and User Interaction Tracking and Detection of Vehicles, Obstacles, Pedestrians Call for comments on AI standards is out to the committee. Two workshops will be held at TC 204 Spring 2019 Plenary on the topic.

7 Other Committee Updates
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 Other Committee Updates TC 204 established a Category A liaison with SAE International. TC 204 continues its collaboration with TC 22. TC 204 disbanded WG4: Automatic vehicle and equipment identification.

8 52nd ISO/TC 204 Plenary Recap
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 52nd ISO/TC 204 Plenary Recap Budapest, Hungary, September 2018 About 200 participants from 22 P-member and one O-member Liaison presence from CEN/TC 278, ISO/TC 22, ISO/TC 104 and TISA 11 working group meetings and several workshops: Integrated Corridor Management, Green ITS, Online Collaboration, Securing ITS Station Communications, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence

9 53rd ISO/TC 204 Plenary Kennedy Space Center, United States
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 53rd ISO/TC 204 Plenary Kennedy Space Center, United States 7-12 April 2019 Registration deadline: 24 March 2019 Register at: (ISO Livelink account required)

10 Contact ISO/TC 204 Chairman Committee Manager Dick Schnacke, TransCore
8 May 2019 ISO/TC 204 Contact ISO/TC 204 Chairman Dick Schnacke, TransCore Tel: Committee Manager Adrian Guan, SAE International Tel: New address: th Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, DC USA

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