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Chancellor’s Office Update

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1 Chancellor’s Office Update
Laura Hope, Executive Vice-Chancellor of Education Services and Support Rhonda Mohr, Interim Vice-Chancellor of Student Services Jackie Escajeda, Dean Kirsten Corbin, Dean Sally Montemayor Lenz, Dean Laura GP, leg/budget asks,

2 Student Services Integrated Plan – due January 31, 2018!
Legislative Priority – align SSSP, BSI and SE with Guided Pathways framework Integration 2.0 – CO structure Assessment – staffing SSSP Allocations New Legislation – AB 19, AB 705, SB 12 Work collaboratively with field and other stakeholders Transfer and Articulation Rhonda—student services update—maybe discuss the food scarcity and mental health updates, DACA, Equity, SSSP, and AB 19

3 Student Services Financial Aid Basic Needs Veterans
Completion Grant, DACA funding, California Promise Grant, Free College Basic Needs Food and Housing, Mental Health, Campus Safety Veterans $5 million x 2 new funding Student Senate – Combo of “Candy Land” and “Risk” Rhonda—student services update—maybe discuss the food scarcity and mental health updates, DACA, Equity, SSSP, and AB 19

4 Basic Skills New formula for 2017-18 allocation
Amended allocation posted yesterday 50% completion, 25% BOGfw One more amendment to come 25% basic skills FTES with high-impact practices (certification) Basic Skills Advisory Committee Coding: clean up and capture Implementing AB 705 Kirsten—maybe include BSI formula, BSAC, non-credit work groups, 3CSN to help with implementation of new legislation, grant updates

5 Non-Credit Noncredit Advisory Committee 5C Workgroups
Call for members soon First meeting Spring 2018 5C Workgroups Noncredit to Credit pre/co-reqs Credit & Noncredit mirrored courses Credit & Community Service co-mingling Kirsten—maybe include BSI formula, BSAC, non-credit work groups, 3CSN to help with implementation of new legislation, grant updates

SERVING CURRENTLY AND FORMERLY INCARCERATED STUDENTS Opportunities: SB 1391 Senator Hancock - Community Colleges Inmate Education Programs Budget Act Senator Skinner - Underground Scholars Art for Justice Fund Board of Governor’s Title 5, section Academic Record Symbols and Grade Point Average Title 5, section 55024, Withdrawal IEPI Spring 2018 Proposition 57 MIS Data Element SG06 Student-Incarcerated-Status Status: 22 Colleges serving 4,400+ incarcerated students in state’s 35 prisons 114 Colleges poised to serve formerly incarcerated students Challenges: Increasing demand for courses and student support programs Reconciliation and alignment of laws and regulations National leaders, faculty and staff training Coordination with CDCR, institutional constraints Sally—Inmate Ed and plans for grant, dual/concurrent enrollment CCAP, EW

7 Special Admit Students
Opportunities: AB 288 Holden - College and Career Access Pathways CCAP and NonCAPP Concurrent Enrollment, Dual Enrollment, Academic Enrichment Trends… MIS Data Elements SB 11 Student-Education-Status; SB15 Student Enrollment-Status; SG13 Student-CCAP-Status Status: CO Team focused on centralized approach to technical assistance Legal Opinion Amendment New address: Challenges: Number of CCAP Agreements and CCAP Pilots High School Course vs. College Course, Fee Structure, Oversubscription 67% rule, MQs External entities providing trainings and coaching WSJ Sharing this slide picture – it’s a good illustration of all things dual enrollment LAO DOF Public At-Large

8 Intersegmental Programs
Bachelor’s Degree 10 colleges – 2nd year 5 colleges – Fall 2017 start LAO Report Spring 2018 Graduations UC Transfer Pathways Chemistry Physics Jackie maybe COCI, ADTs, BA, GEAC,

9 ADTs Transfer Model Curriculum Templates STEM ADTs 2296
Environmental Science Hospitality Management Law, Public Policy, and Society Social Work and Human Services STEM ADTs ADT AS-T Active Draft Status To Be Developed Biology 69 9 11 Chemistry 21 18 36 Computer Science 33 13 24 Physics 76 2 Jackie maybe COCI, ADTs, BA, GEAC, Active ADTs 2296

10 Molasses Swamp Update on CAI COCI Organizational changes
Disaster relief Laura AB 705, CAI, disaster relief

11 Peppermint Forest Guided Pathways ADT with UC DACA
Implementation of AB 705 and AB 19 Laura Legislative packages, reorganization, integration,

12 Gumdrop Mountain Vision for Success Budget requests Accreditation
Executive Orders Laura GP, leg/budget asks,

13 Questions? Laura GP, leg/budget asks,

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