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Ntokozo Bhengu and Selina Mokatsane

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1 Ntokozo Bhengu and Selina Mokatsane
The Threats to Academic Integrity Posed by Illicit Student-Staff Relationships in Higher Education Institutions Ntokozo Bhengu and Selina Mokatsane

2 Introduction Teaching, learning and research are, by their nature interactive, cooperative and participatory activities. Therefore interaction between students and staff is integral part of the core business of higher education. However, constructive interaction between students and staff should take place within the parameters of the core values of academic integrity. These core values are honesty, respect, trust, fairness, responsibility and courage.

3 Illicit student-staff relationships
Illicit student-staff relationships occur when the interaction between student and staff do not observe the core values of academic integrity For example, when a student is under pressure to obtain a qualification – due to family and societal expectations, the threat of having funding revoked, personal ambition – they might go with any means possible to obtain the degree, even when it compromises their moral principles. (examples of relationships that do not observe the core values of academic integrity) Institutions have codes of conduct and/or policies that regulate student-staff interaction to avoid illicit student-staff relationships. The question, however, is whether or not these codes of conduct and/or policies are effective in eliminating illicit student-staff relationships. This was one of the questions that was central in a research conducted by the CHE in 2013.

4 Overview of the research conducted
Qualitative study Semi-structured interviews All in-depth interviews Standardised procedure The study was undertaken at seven higher education institutions 21 participants Traditional, Comprehensive & UoTs The findings of the research suggest that despite the fact that institutions have these codes of conduct and/or policies regulating the nature of interactions between students and staff, illicit relationships continue to take place.

5 Comprehensive Traditional University Categories Participants
Merger/No n Dean SRC Comprehensive HDI Rural Non HWI Urban Merger Traditional University of Technology Urban/R ural

6 Possible explanation of why illicit relationships continue unabated
Students initiate these relationships to gain undue advantage over hard working students. Fear of failure when students are in desperate situation because they do not have financial and/or social support systems. Social problem of a society that is deeply entrenched in patriarchy whereby make staff members see female students as objects that they can use at will. Liberal vs. conservative universities.

7 How illicit relationships threaten academic integrity
The fundamental tenet of respect between student and staff is breached. The student cannot take the staff seriously, and this compromises the students ability to learn from the staff member in question. Learning, teaching and research work, which require honesty become governed by dishonesty. Everything that is undertaken with dishonesty has no proper solid foundation. The trust between staff members who are involved in illicit relationships and students who are not involved breaks down. These students cannot learn effectively from such staff member. These relationships create unfairness to students who are not involved and work hard in their because those involved get marks on a silver platter, and also receive favourable treatment at the expense of others.

8 How illicit relationships threaten academic integrity continued…
Illicit relationships are a reflection of irresponsibility on the part of both the student as well as the staff. Both side fail to assume personal accountability for their actions, and also fail to assume accountability for breaching the agreed upon rules of engagement. Courage is about the ability to do the right thing even when circumstances put you under pressure to break the rules. The illicit student and staff relationships are a manifestation of lack of courage on both the student and staff sides. Courage demands that students commit to the quality of their education by holding themselves to the highest academic standards, even when doing so might lead to the consequences such as failing or repeating courses. Courage also demands that staff adhere to their professional codes of conduct even when under-pressure to do otherwise.

9 Summing up the threats Illicit student-staff relationships flouts each of the six core value of academic integrity. Academic integrity is the foundation for quality and credible higher education. Illicit student-staff relationships shatters or breaks down that foundation. The end result is that higher education becomes less credible, the qualifications lose their currency, the reputations of institutions is compromised, and people graduate without having acquired the required skills and competencies.

10 Recommendations Policy on paper alone cannot solve the problem.
We need a process where students can formally report cases without any fear of continued victimisation. Establish platforms for student to raise issues concerning their well-being in residence and lecture rooms. Preventative measures - have a series of interventions designed to prevent the occurrence of illicit student-staff relationships across the university. Self-reporting procedures. Declaring conflict of interest. A firm stance by universities in promoting the core values of academic integrity.

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