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Majlis Ansarullah Monthly Meeting

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1 Majlis Ansarullah Monthly Meeting
October 2018 Changed date This slide deck contains images licensed for the purpose of this presentation only. No one is permitted to use the images for any other use, without prior permission.

2 AGENDA Recitation of the Holy Qur'an (Verse 41:34) Pledge
Priorities of the year 2018 Sermon of the month: Tabligh and revival of Islam (April 9, 2010) Health Tip General Tip Reminders/announcements Du'a No change

3 Click to listen the recitation
[41:34] And who is better in speech than he who invites men to Allah and does good works and says, ‘I am surely of those who submit?’ No change.. Take from Khutba?

4 Ansar Pledge Say this part three times:
Ash-hadu • alla ilaha • illallahu • wahdahu • la sharika lahu • wa ash-hadu • anna Muhammadan • ‘abduhu • wa rasuluh Say this part once: I bear witness • that there is none worthy of worship • except Allah. • He is One • (and) has no partner, • and I bear witness • that Muhammad (peace be upon him) • is His servant • and messenger. I solemnly pledge • that I shall endeavor • throughout my life • for the propagation • and consolidation • of Ahmadiyyat in Islam, • and shall stand guard • in defense of • the institution of Khilafat. • I shall not hesitate • to offer any sacrifice • in this regard. • Moreover, • I shall exhort my children • to always remain dedicated • and devoted • to Khilafat. • Insha’allah.

5 Priorities of the Year At least 50% of Tajnid to attend monthly meetings where we discuss how to benefit from our Khalifa’s Friday sermons by making it part of our everyday lives. Fulfilling the wish of our Khalifa of having 50% of Chanda- paying and earning members to do Wasiyyat. Help establish a culture of congregational Salat and love of the Holy Qur'an. Involve everyone in the noble task of Tabligh through a variety of Tabligh activities. More than 50% of Tajnid to attend National Ijtima. The National Ijtima and Shura will take place at BRM on Sep 21-23, Please start planning now.

6 Tabligh and revival of Islam
Friday Sermon, April 9, 2010 No change

7 Synopses of the Sermon The object of the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) was to revive the glory of Islam. Today the task of revival of Islam is the task of each Ahmadi. For this, we need to pay attention to improve our own condition and abandon indolence. God declares summoning people to Him as the best of tasks and everything else as secondary. Islam should be introduced in a wise/sagacious manner and the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) in the current age should be cited. In order to introduce people to the concept of religion and God, we need to present good practices as well as enhance our level of Taqwa and our own spiritual condition. Taqwa entails harmony between ones word and deed. The real way to spread the true faith is through spiritual development and spiritual development does not come about without prayers and a true connection with God. Triumph will come about with prayers alone. May we be enabled to do the task entrusted to one commissioned by Him in an excellent manner, Ameen. No change

8 Share your thoughts! Open Discussion Question
As a Nasir, which aspect of this Friday sermon, can I benefit the most from? Share your thoughts! No change

9 Discussion Scenario I Your next-door neighbor’s son is playing baseball and accidentally hits the ball through a window. The boy’s mother runs over to your home to apologize for her son’s error. She asks that when you repair the window to give her the bill so she can make up for it. New image

10 How would you respond? Repair the window and give her the bill as she requested. Offer to split the bill and invite the neighbor for dinner Refuse to take money and start preaching her about how Islam emphasizes on neighbor’s rights. Any other response

11 How will your response change?
… if this is the third time her son has damaged your property? … if she’s a single mother struggling to make ends meet? … if you already have had talks with the neighbor about Islam and Ahmadiyyat? … if this is the first time you have ever spoken with this neighbor? Za'im Sahib, please if you or any member has any question or concern.

12 Guidance from Friday Sermon
The Holy Qur’an states: ‘And who is better in speech than he who invites men to Allah and does good works and says, ‘I am surely of those who submit?’ (41:34) God declares summoning people to Him as the best of tasks and everything else as secondary. One is to utilize all resources that are available to perform this task and be included in the best of people. The Holy Qur’an states hundreds of commands and forbids many things. Good works constitute when man avoids what is forbidden and tries to do what is enjoined. Huzoor (ab) said if we analyze ourselves there is much piety that we overlook in our daily lives. It is a most significant condition for one who invites people to God to be one who does ‘good works.’ Then alone can one summon another to the ways showed by the Promised Messiah (as) in the current age. Then alone can one assert that he or she has, to some extent, found inner peace and is heading towards spiritual development and can usher others to listen and try to be obedient as one has been obedient.

13 Discussion Scenario II
Every Tuesday evening, the mosque hosts a Coffee, Cake and True Islam (CCTI). Each Nasir in the local Majlis is assigned one week to be present. One active Nasir confides in you that he doesn’t know how to refute against finality of Prophethood, death of Jesus (as), or anything about Christianity. He asks that you not assign him this task.

14 How would you respond? If he’s not comfortable, don’t assign him. He can contribute to other Jama’at activities as he normally does. Team him up with someone else so he does not have to man the CCTI by himself. Inspire him to commit to take on the responsibility. Encourage him to commit some time to study up on relevant Tabligh topics. Any other response.

15 How will your response change?
… if this brother doesn't speak English well? … if he insists that he will clean the mosque instead the night before? … if he works six days a week at a gas station? Za'im Sahib, please if you or any member has any question or concern.

16 Guidance from Friday Sermon
It is the duty of every person who calls himself/herself an Ahmadi and associates himself/herself to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to keep their practices upright for the whole world watches them. If one does not have sufficient religious knowledge to be a  Da'i Ilallah  one can still attract others by one’s good practices. Huzoor said, generally speaking the reason for most Pakistani Ahmadis to be living outside Pakistan is their faith. Therefore while being grateful, as we work to improve our worldly life, we should at least commit one day a week to summon people to God.

17 Take Home Message

18 What to discuss with your family?
Pick one of the following topics from this Friday sermon to discuss with children/family during casual discussion: Islam’s response to Atheism and Agnosticism Islam’s response to non-Ahmadi Muslim arguments Islam’s response to Christianity What the family can do to commit to Tabligh on a weekly basis cr Tips to engage youth in conversation: (1) Give them more talking time, and (2) use examples from Huzoor’s (aba) sermon to make a point.

19 Pull out your smart phone To-Do list
Pick one: Think about last week--- were there any meetings or interactions with co-workers or customers that were not in accordance with Islamic practices? Make a concerted effort to invite your neighbors to your home for coffee or dinner Think about your driving style--- have you driven aggressively that’s not reflective of a true Ahmadi Muslim? Think about your “accounting” practices– are you stretching the rules on your tax returns? if you have a different idea.

20 Health Tip Prepare to Age Healthy
Nutrition, exercise, annual checkups are all important to prepare for healthy ageing Modify your home and be senior friendly. Stairs, baths, and kitchens can be dangerous to old people. Housing Options Naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs) offer coordinated care and support and are senior-friendly. Explore around. There is help available for meal preparations, transportation, house work, banking, bills etc. Family and community support services can all help. Plan for emergencies: Keep emergency numbers around. Get a cell phone or life alert Every Adult should have an Advance Directives such as a living will, durable power of attorney etc. Za'im Sahib, please have someone with healthcare background to answer questions or any specific questions to

21 General Tip Are you saving for your kid’s college?
Average Tuition and Fees in In-State Public Colleges and Universities for is $9,970. Average Tuition and Fees in Out of State Public Colleges and Universities for is $25,620. Average Tuition in Private Colleges and Universities is $34,740. A modest budget at a Private College or University has a price tag of $50,900. Average annual Room and Board ranges from $10,800 to $12,210. Average cost of Books and School Supplies range between $1, 220 to $1,350. Of course, there are numerous scholarships, grants and loans of various kinds available, in addition to Work/Study Programs. Za'im Sahib, please have someone with relevant background to answer questions or any specific questions to

22 Reminders/Announcements Du'a Jazakumullah for Participating
Reminders/Announcements Du'a Jazakumullah for Participating! If you enjoyed it, please convey to those brothers who are not here today!

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