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Unit 5 Week 4.

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1 Unit 5 Week 4

2 What was the outcome of the Battle of Gonzales?
Monday In your journal, answer the following questions: (use the book for help) What was the outcome of the Battle of Gonzales? Write down 3 things you already know about the Texas Revolution

3 Read the article over the Texas Revolution Battles.
Read Draw and Revise Read the article over the Texas Revolution Battles. Draw two lines (1 vertical 1 horizontal) creating 4 even boxes. Draw a picture of each of the 4 battles in a box ( 4 battles=4 boxes Label three details from the article in each picture

4 Tuesday In your journal,do the following assignment: Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the Battle of Coleto Creek and the Battle of the Alamo. You must have 3 differences each and 3 similarities.



7 Why did Travis write his letter from the Alamo?
You will answer the following questions in your Journal. Also, define vocabulary. These are your notes. Why did Travis write his letter from the Alamo? What actions were taken by the delegates at the Convention of 1836? Why were the Texans defeated at the Alamo and what effect did the loss have on Texans? What was characteristic of the constitution Texans wrote in March of 1836? What was the outcome of the Consultation that met in the fall of 1835? How did Sam Houston react to the defeat at the Alamo?

8 What was William B. Travis’ contribution to the Texas Revolution?
Wednesday In your journal, answer the following questions: You have to write the question! What was William B. Travis’ contribution to the Texas Revolution? What was James Fannin’s involvement in the Texas Revolution?

9 _____________________

10 __________________________________________________________

11 What effect did the Goliad Massacre have on the people of Texas?
You will answer the following questions in your Journal. Also, These are your notes. Explain the events of the Battle of Coleto Creek/Goliad. (list 5 events from the book) What effect did the Goliad Massacre have on the people of Texas? How did Sam Houston prepare his army for battle with Santa Anna’s troops? Where is Stephen F. Austin during the Texas Revolution? Who is Jim Bowie and why is he important to Texas History. (name 3 things from the book) What happened to the 1 person who left the Alamo before the battle?

12 What was Sam Houston’s involvement in the Texas Revolution?
Thursday In your journal, answer the following questions: What was Sam Houston’s involvement in the Texas Revolution? Explain the events of the Battle of San Jacinto. What was the outcome?

13 What terms did Santa Anna agree to in the Treaties of Velasco?
You will answer the following questions in your Journal. Also, define vocabulary. These are your notes. Why is George Childress important to Texas History. (Give 3 details from the book) What factors accounted for the victory of Sam Houston’s troops at San Jacinto? What terms did Santa Anna agree to in the Treaties of Velasco? Why is Lorenzo de Zavala important to Texas History ( Give 3 things from the book.

In your journal, answer the following questions: You HAVE to write down the question!!! What was the main reason for the Texan defeat at the Alamo? Predict 3 things that might happen after the Texans win the Revolution. Friday

15 Commander of the Texas Army at the Alamo
Who Am I?? Commander of the Texas Army at the Alamo Helped write the Turtle Bayou Resolutions Stated Victory or Death in a letter from the Alamo

16 William B. Travis

17 Commander of the Texas Army at Goliad
Who am I?? Commander of the Texas Army at Goliad Retreated his men to Coleto Creek Surrendered to Mexican General Cos at Coleto Creek

18 James Fannin

19 Commander of the whole Texas Army
Who am I?? Commander of the whole Texas Army Led the Texans to a victory at the Battle of San Jacinto Injured during the Battle of San Jacinto

20 Sam Houston

21 Sole author of the Texas Declaration of Independence
Who am I?? Sole author of the Texas Declaration of Independence Delegate at the Constitutional Convention of 1836

22 George Childress

23 Battles Required on your map (pg 250,267)
Texas Revolution Map You will fill in a map of Texas plotting the battles of the Texas Revolution. Only the ones on the right. Include the dates of the Battles and who won. State the Texan general in the battle Shade in the rest with color. Put your name on the back. Turn it in Battles Required on your map (pg 250,267) Battle of Gonzales Battle of Coleto Creek Battle of Concepcion San Jacinto Alamo Grass Fight San Antonio de Bexar

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