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EPAN – eGovernment WG Welcome - Introduction

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1 EPAN – eGovernment WG Welcome - Introduction
Luxembourg, 24 February 2005

2 WELCOME EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

3 INTRODUCTION EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

4 Luxembourg (1) EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

5 Luxembourg (2) EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

6 Luxembourg (3) EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

7 LU > European Union (1)
                        EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

8 LU > European Union (2)
                        EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

9 LU > European Union (3)
                        EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

10 LU > EU > Presidency 2005
Luxembourg took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 January This is the 11th time since the founding treaties were signed that this honour and responsibility lies with the Grand Duchy. The role of the Presidency has developed and changed with amendments to the treaties and successive accessions. In line with its traditions and beliefs, Luxembourg will take advantage of its six months’ Presidency to be at the service of the Union and to ensure that European integration is taken forward. EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

11 LU > EU > P2005 > EPAN
Calendar of the meetings Studies to be carried out under the Luxembourg Presidency EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

12 LU > EU > P2005 > EPAN > eGovernment WG (1)
Political framework Ministerial declaration (eGov Conference) Como - 8th of July 2003 Ministerial resolution (EPAN) Roma - 1st of December 2003 “ facilitate and undertake the exchange of views, experiences and best practices ” EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

13 LU > EU > P2005 > EPAN > eGovernment WG (2)
Administrative Framework Working methods (no troika; no or light procedures) Working tools (CIRCA web site; EUPAN web site) EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

14 LU > EU > P2005 > EPAN > eGovernment WG (3)
Programme of the Luxembourg Presidency MTP Working Plan 2005 2 Meetings (2nd : ) Presentations Studies EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

15 Meeting : 24.-25.02.2005 Adoption of the Agenda
Adoption of the Minutes of the previous meeting (Amsterdam – ) EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

16 Meeting : Presentation of the activities of the UK Presidency “Lisbon Strategy” & “MTP ” EPAN, eGov WG, Welcome - Introduction

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