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3 Interpolation denotes the process of computing the value of a function for any value of the independent variable within the interval for which some values are given.

4 Interpolation is a fundamental operation in mathematics it has been described as a art of reading between the lines of the tables.

5 Suppose the following table represents a set of corresponding values of two equations X and y . X : x₀ x₁ x₂………………..xn Y : y₀ y₁ y ₂……………… yn. We may require the value of y=yr corresponding to a value x=xr between x0 and xn .

6 Suppose the following table represents a set of corresponding values of two equations X and y . X : x₀ x₁ x₂………………..xn Y : y₀ y₁ y ₂……………… yn. We may require the value of y=yr corresponding to a value x=xr between x0 and xn . Thus interpolation denotes the process of computing the value of a function for any value of the independent variable within the interval for which some values are given.

7 The term extrapolation is used to
denote the process of finding the values outside this interval. However the term interpolation is supplied to both process. Example : Y=X3+2X+5

Let yX=f(x) be a function which takes a value y0,y1,y2………….yn corresponding to the value x0,x1,x2…….xn of the independent variable of x. let the value of x be at the equi-distant intervals. yp=y0+p∆y0+p(p-1)∆2y0+ p(p-1)(p-2)∆3y0+ 2ḷ 3ḷ ………………………… p(p-1(p-2)……(p-(n-1))∆ny0­ nḷ It is known as newtons forward interpolation formula.

9 This formula is used to interpolate the value of y near the beginning of a set of tabular value.
Problem 1.Following are the data from the steam table. Temperature C° Pressure Using newtons formula find the pressure of a steam for a temperature 142°?

10 Solution: x y ∆y ∆2y ∆3y ∆4y yp=y0+p∆y0+p(p-1)∆2y0+ p(p-1)(p-2)∆3y0+­………………………… 2ḷ ḷ p(p-1(p-2)……(p-(n-1))∆ny0­ nḷ y0= p=x-x0 h ∆y0= =( )/10=0.2 ∆2y0=0.279 ∆3y0=0.047 ∆4y0=0.002 Yp= (1.169)+0.2(0.2-1) (0.2-1)(0.2-2) (0.2- 1)(0.2-2)(0.2-3)0.002 24 = = =3.899

11 2. Following data gives the value x and y
2.Following data gives the value x and y. find the value of y when x is 21. From the table X Y Solution: x y ∆y ∆2y ∆3y Formula yp=y0+p∆y0+p(p-1)∆2y0+ p(p-1)(p-2)∆3y0+­………………………… p(p-1(p-2)……(p-(n-1))∆ny0­ 2ḷ ḷ nḷ Y0= p=x-x0 h ∆y0= =(21-20)/3=0.3 ∆2y0=-0.001 ∆3y0=0.0003 yp= (0.0487)+0.3(0.3-1)(-0.001)+0.3(0.3-1)(0.3-2)0.0003 = =0.3567

12 3. Using newtons forward interpolation formula. Calculate x is 1
3.Using newtons forward interpolation formula. Calculate x is 1.02 upto 3 decimal places in the table given below X F(x) Solution X f(x) ∆y ∆2y ∆3y ∆4y yp=y0+p∆y0+p(p-1)∆2y0+ p(p-1)(p-2)∆3y0+­………………………… p(p-1(p-2)……(p-(n-1))∆ny0­ 2ḷ ḷ nḷ y0= p=x-x0 h ∆y0= =(1.02-1)/0.1=0.2 ∆2y0=-0.009 ∆3y0=0 ∆4y0=-0.002 Yp= (0.05)+0.2(0.2-1)(-0.009)+0.2(0.2-1)(0.2-2)0+0.2(0.2-1)(0.2-2)(0.2-3)(-0.009) = =0.851

Let yx=f(x) be a function which takes the value y0,y1,y2………….yn corresponding to the value x0,x1,x2…….xn of the independent variable x. let the value of x be at equi-distance intervals. Let x=xn + ph Yp=yn+ pṼyn+p(p+1)Ṽ2yn+ p(p+1)(p+2) Ṽ3yn +­………………………… p(p+1(p+2)……(p+(n-1)) Ṽnyn ­ 2ḷ ḷ nḷ Note: This formula is used to interpolate the value of y near the end of a set of tabular values . Problem:

14 From the following table of half yearly premium of policies maturing at qunnial ages estimate the premium for polices maturing at age 63 Age(x) : Premium(y): Solution: Age premium Ṽy Ṽ2y Ṽ3y Ṽ4y Formula: Yp=yn+ pṼyn+p(p+1)Ṽ2yn+ p(p+1)(p+2) Ṽ3yn +­………………………… p(p+1(p+2)……(p+(n-1)) Ṽnyn ­ 2ḷ ḷ nḷ yn=68.48 Ṽyn=-6 Ṽ2yn=2.84 Ṽ3yn=-1.16 Yp=68.48+(-0.4)(-6)+(-0.4)(0.4+1)2.84+(-0.4)(-0.2+1)(-0.4+2)(-1.16)+(-0.4)(-0.2+1)(-0.4+2)(0.4+3)(0.68) = =70.58

15 2. The amount A of a substance remaining reacting of interveral of time t in certain chemical experiment is given below T(min) A(gm) Obtain the value of A where t=9 mints using newton backward difference interpolation formula. T A Ṽy Ṽ2y Ṽ3y Yp=yn+ pṼyn+p(p+1)Ṽ2yn+ p(p+1)(p+2) Ṽ3yn +­………………………… p(p+1(p+2)……(p+(n-1)) Ṽnyn ­ 2ḷ ḷ nḷ yn=75.1 Ṽyn=-6.2 Ṽ2yn=0.4 Ṽ3yn=0.1 Yp=75.1+(-0.6)(-6.2)+(-0.6)(0.6+1)0.4+(-0.6)(-0.6+1)(-0.6+2)(0.1) 2 6 = =79.20

16 3.Using newtons formula the value of x=27
Y Solution: X y Ṽy Ṽ2y Ṽ3y Ṽ4y Yp=yn+ pṼyn+p(p+1)Ṽ2yn+ p(p+1)(p+2) Ṽ3yn +­………………………… p(p+1(p+2)……(p+(n-1)) Ṽnyn ­ 2ḷ ḷ nḷ yn=23.1 Ṽyn=-2.9 Ṽ2yn=0.2 Ṽ3yn=0.2 Ṽ4yn=0.3 Yp=23.1+(-0.6)(-2.9)+(-0.6)(0.6+1)0.2+(-0.6)(-0.6+1)(-0.6+2)(0.2) +(-0.6)(-0.6+1)(- 0.6+2)(0.3) = =

Let f(x) = y be a function which takes the values y0,y1,y2………………yn corresponding to the value x = x0,x1,x2…….xn .Since there are n+1 values of y corresponding to n+1 value of x. we can represent the function f(x) by a polynomial in x of degree n. y=f(x)=(x-x1)(x-x2)……….(x-xn)y0 + (x-x0)(x-x2)……….(x-xn)y1 +……+(x-x0)(x-x1)……….(x-xn-1)yn (x0-x1)(x0-x2)……….(x0-xn) (x1-x0)(x1-x2)…….(x1-xn) (xn-x0)(xn-x1)…….(xn-xn-1) is known as lagrange’s interpolation formula. It can be used whether the values x0,x1,x2…….xn are equally spaced or not and whether the differences of y become smaller or not. LAGRANGE’S INTERPOLATION FORMULA

18 1. Given the values x. :14. 17. 31. 35. f(x):. 64. 44. 39
1.Given the values x : f(x): find the value of f(x) corresponding of x=27 solution: since there are only fours corresponding pairs of values given in the polynomial representing the data is x0=14 x1=17 x2=31 x3=35 y0= y1=64 y2=44 y3=39.1 by lagrange’s interpolation formula y=f(x)=(x-x1)(x-x2)……….(x-xn)y0 + (x-x0)(x-x2)……….(x-xn)y1 +……+(x-x0)(x-x1)……….(x-xn-1)yn (x0-x1)(x0-x2)……….(x0-xn) (x1-x0)(x1-x2)…….(x1-xn) (xn-x0)(xn-x1)…….(xn-xn-1) = (27-17)(27-31)(27-35)68.7 +(27-17)(27-31)(27-35)64 + (27-17)(27-31)(27-35) (14-17)(14-31)(14-35) (17-14)(17-31)(17-35) (31-14)(31-17)(31-35) (27-14)(27-31)(27-17)39.1 ( )(35-17)(35-31) = =

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