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Lecture 19: Coherence Protocols

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1 Lecture 19: Coherence Protocols
Topics: coherence protocols for symmetric and distributed shared-memory multiprocessors (Sections )

2 SMPs or Centralized Shared-Memory
Processor Processor Processor Processor Caches Caches Caches Caches Main Memory I/O System

3 Interconnection network
Distributed Memory Multiprocessors Processor & Caches Processor & Caches Processor & Caches Processor & Caches Memory I/O Memory I/O Memory I/O Memory I/O Interconnection network

4 Shared-Memory Vs. Message-Passing
Well-understood programming model Communication is implicit and hardware handles protection Hardware-controlled caching Message-passing: No cache coherence  simpler hardware Explicit communication  easier for the programmer to restructure code Sender can initiate data transfer

5 Ocean Kernel Procedure Solve(A) begin diff = done = 0;
while (!done) do diff = 0; for i  1 to n do for j  1 to n do temp = A[i,j]; A[i,j]  0.2 * (A[i,j] + neighbors); diff += abs(A[i,j] – temp); end for if (diff < TOL) then done = 1; end while end procedure

6 Shared Address Space Model
procedure Solve(A) int i, j, pid, done=0; float temp, mydiff=0; int mymin = 1 + (pid * n/procs); int mymax = mymin + n/nprocs -1; while (!done) do mydiff = diff = 0; BARRIER(bar1,nprocs); for i  mymin to mymax for j  1 to n do endfor LOCK(diff_lock); diff += mydiff; UNLOCK(diff_lock); BARRIER (bar1, nprocs); if (diff < TOL) then done = 1; endwhile int n, nprocs; float **A, diff; LOCKDEC(diff_lock); BARDEC(bar1); main() begin read(n); read(nprocs); A  G_MALLOC(); initialize (A); CREATE (nprocs,Solve,A); WAIT_FOR_END (nprocs); end main

7 Message Passing Model main() for i  1 to nn do read(n); read(nprocs);
CREATE (nprocs-1, Solve); Solve(); WAIT_FOR_END (nprocs-1); procedure Solve() int i, j, pid, nn = n/nprocs, done=0; float temp, tempdiff, mydiff = 0; myA  malloc(…) initialize(myA); while (!done) do mydiff = 0; if (pid != 0) SEND(&myA[1,0], n, pid-1, ROW); if (pid != nprocs-1) SEND(&myA[nn,0], n, pid+1, ROW); RECEIVE(&myA[0,0], n, pid-1, ROW); RECEIVE(&myA[nn+1,0], n, pid+1, ROW); for i  1 to nn do for j  1 to n do endfor if (pid != 0) SEND(mydiff, 1, 0, DIFF); RECEIVE(done, 1, 0, DONE); else for i  1 to nprocs-1 do RECEIVE(tempdiff, 1, *, DIFF); mydiff += tempdiff; if (mydiff < TOL) done = 1; for i  1 to nprocs-1 do SEND(done, 1, I, DONE); endif endwhile

8 Coherence Protocols Two conditions for cache coherence:
write propagation write serialization Cache coherence protocols: snooping directory-based write-update write-invalidate

9 SMP Example A: Rd X B: Rd X C: Rd X A: Wr X C: Wr X A: Rd Y B: Wr X
B: Rd Y B: Wr Y Processor A Processor B Processor C Processor D Caches Caches Caches Caches Main Memory I/O System

10 SMP Example A B C A: Rd X B: Rd X C: Rd X A: Wr X C: Wr X A: Rd Y
B: Wr X B: Rd Y B: Wr Y

11 SMP Example A B C A: Rd X S B: Rd X S S C: Rd X S S S A: Wr X E I I
C: Wr X I I E B: Rd X I S S A: Rd X S S S A: Rd Y S (Y) S (X) S (X) B: Wr X S (Y) E (X) I B: Rd Y S (Y) S (Y) I B: Wr Y I E (Y) I

12 Example Protocol Request Source Block state Action Read hit Proc
Shared/excl Read data in cache Read miss Invalid Place read miss on bus Shared Conflict miss: place read miss on bus Exclusive Conflict miss: write back block, place read miss on bus Write hit Write data in cache Place write miss on bus Write miss Conflict miss: place write miss on bus Conflict miss: write back, place write miss on bus Bus No action; allow memory to respond Place block on bus; change to shared Invalidate block Write back block; change to invalid

13 Performance Improvements
What determines performance on a multiprocessor: What fraction of the program is parallelizable? How does memory hierarchy performance change? New form of cache miss: coherence miss – such a miss would not have happened if another processor did not write to the same cache line False coherence miss: the second processor writes to a different word in the same cache line – this miss would not have happened if the line size equaled one word

14 How do Cache Misses Scale?
Compulsory Capacity Conflict Coherence True False Increasing cache capacity Increasing processor count Increasing block size Increasing associativity

15 Simplifying Assumptions
All transactions on a read or write are atomic – on a write miss, the miss is sent on the bus, a block is fetched from memory/remote cache, and the block is marked exclusive Potential problem if the actions are non-atomic: P1 sends a write miss on the bus, P2 sends a write miss on the bus: since the block is still invalid in P1, P2 does not realize that it should write after receiving the block from P1 – instead, it receives the block from memory Most problems are fixable by keeping track of more state: for example, don’t acquire the bus unless all outstanding transactions for the block have completed

16 Coherence in Distributed Memory Multiprocs
Distributed memory systems are typically larger  bus-based snooping may not work well Option 1: software-based mechanisms – message-passing systems or software-controlled cache coherence Option 2: hardware-based mechanisms – directory-based cache coherence

17 Directory-Based Cache Coherence
The physical memory is distributed among all processors The directory is also distributed along with the corresponding memory The physical address is enough to determine the location of memory The (many) processing nodes are connected with a scalable interconnect (not a bus) – hence, messages are no longer broadcast, but routed from sender to receiver – since the processing nodes can no longer snoop, the directory keeps track of sharing state

18 Interconnection network
Distributed Memory Multiprocessors Processor & Caches Processor & Caches Processor & Caches Processor & Caches Memory I/O Memory I/O Memory I/O Memory I/O Directory Directory Directory Directory Interconnection network

19 Cache Block States What are the different states a block of memory can have within the directory? Note that we need information for each cache so that invalidate messages can be sent The block state is also stored in the cache for efficiency The directory now serves as the arbitrator: if multiple write attempts happen simultaneously, the directory determines the ordering

20 Interconnection network
Directory-Based Example A: Rd X B: Rd X C: Rd X A: Wr X C: Wr X A: Rd Y B: Wr X B: Rd Y B: Wr Y Processor & Caches Processor & Caches Processor & Caches Memory I/O Memory I/O Memory I/O Directory Directory X Directory Y Interconnection network

21 Directory Actions If block is in uncached state:
Read miss: send data, make block shared Write miss: send data, make block exclusive If block is in shared state: Read miss: send data, add node to sharers list Write miss: send data, invalidate sharers, make excl If block is in exclusive state: Read miss: ask owner for data, write to memory, send data, make shared, add node to sharers list Data write back: write to memory, make uncached Write miss: ask owner for data, write to memory, send data, update identity of new owner, remain exclusive

22 Title Bullet

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