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Attention Second and Third Grade Parents

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1 Attention Second and Third Grade Parents
What is Junior LEGO League (Jr. FLL)? Focused on building an interest in science and engineering in children. Junior FIRST® LEGO® League is a program designed to capture young children's inherent curiosity and direct it toward discovering the possibilities of improving the world around them.  Please make sure your form is returned by Friday April 26th Your child may only attend 1 Session We have limited spots available. There is a $20 activity fee. Please pay cash or check written to West Fargo Public Schools Student Name(first and last) : ______________________________________ Grade/ Teacher:__________________________________________________ Parent Contact Information Name(s):__________________________________________________________ Phone Number:___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Circle One : Parent Pick up or I attend the YMCA Please print clearly! Lego- First Session (2:45pm-3:30pm) Library or Mrs. Lura’s room Monday May 6 Tuesday May 7 Thursday May 9 Friday May 10 Lego- Second Session (2:45pm-3:30pm) Library or Mrs. Lura’s room Monday May 13 Tuesday May 14 Thursday May 16 Friday May 17 CHOOSE and CIRCLE 1 SESSION ONLY *You will be contacted by if your child is selected to participate after this form is returned. * Students will be selected based off of classroom behavior, teacher recommendation, ability to be picked up at 3:30 and work ethic. Snack will be provided. All meeting dates need to be attended. We expect school appropriate behavior from the students. Parents will be contacted if not. If school is cancelled, we will not meet. Teacher will dismiss the students to the main doors. Parents pick up students promptly at 3:30 Contact: Tressa Lura *3rd grade teacher * THANKS! John Deere Foundation, JDES volunteers, Freedom PTA, Parents, & Students

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