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A company like no other.

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Presentation on theme: "A company like no other."— Presentation transcript:

1 A company like no other

2 Mission

3 IMSIR = partnership between 5 municipalities :
Aarstelaar, Boom, Hemiksem, Niel & Rumst Board = elected officials & changes every 6 years 3 Structures : Social care & services for the community SW IMSIR : projects with long term unemployed (industrial cleaning, landscaping, renovation,… BW IMSIR : employs disabled people (production facility & services) Total employment of

4 F & F 150 employees + 15 trainees 20 supervisors and staff
60 employees with a disability 70 employees with a disability and need of social care 15 trainees (projects talent detection & development) Turnover 2017 ± € Production units combined 7000m² 4500m² production 1000m² staff/administration 1500m² warehouse

5 Bike- & -wheel assembly
Biggest bike assembly factory in BeNeLux. No other factory is ISO9001 certified in W-Europe. Max. cap new bikes/year. We will assemble bikes this year. Fully automated wheel assembly. approx. 50 employees.

6 Services & Solutions Assembling displays Repack Stickering Mailing
Sorting Shrink foil & blister packaging Fire and forget advertising & projects Approx. 30 employees

7 Telenet Reverse logistics IMSIR
T.R.IM. Telenet Reverse logistics IMSIR Before 2009 Telenet had no return policy for devices they rented out to customers All returned devices where scrapped and customers where given a new one This resulted in a huge waste pile (+600T/A) TLN had to coördinate waste flows from every (small) center or shop renting out or servicing TLN customers

8 Setting up central warehouse
First step : Setting up central warehouse Acquire a warehouse Setup inbound logistics in cooperation with reverse team TLN Identify TLN processes and roll out on our production floor (after translation) Integrate IT – or as in our case, connect directly on TLN mainframe Setup outbound logistics (Scrap, OEM, Long term stock)

9 Setting up test environment
Second step : Setting up test environment QMS needs to be flexible, we can create a lab-enviroment to implement new test procedures very fast. (Today setup POC 1 week, training & implementing 2 weeks, validation 1 week) Need to innovate at the same pace as the customer (TLN) . Anchor tests and test result in accordance with TLN procedures. TLN invests in tools and equipment & takes care of 1st and 2de line support.


11 To, in just one week

12 No show stoppers…. But show drivers!!!
Implementing ISO , translating customer procedures and instructions to our workfloor. Creating instructions, customized for our employees. Use our knowledge to simplify processes and make more tasks accessible for employees with fewer or specifiec talents. Comply with all legislation (Enviromental – implement ISO1401, Safe & health issues,…) SLA & KPI drivers, not as a penalty but as a reward Train, train, train, train and then…. Train some more

13 F & F 50+ employees Modem & IDTV projects Waste avoidance +600T
Significant CAPEX avoidance 98% recycle count on scrap products Mutual footprint projects (redesigning packaging, recycling parts,…) 3 extra recycle projects to prolong lifetime of internal parts (HDD & XXL) Yearly inflow of unique parts, +250 regular unique items specials

14 Summary

15 Thank you for your attention

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