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Neil Harbisson: I listen to color

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1 Neil Harbisson: I listen to color
By: Vincent bivona

2 The Eyeborg



5 Why is this interesting?
What we see is the result of individual stimuli conflated on the retinal image This information is then decoded in the brain, resulting in the perceived images we “see” This device/interface design adds further stimuli to this process of visual perception

6 A Bilateral Synesthetic Experience:
Synesthesia- the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body. Device lets Niel experience color in a whole new way Dresses based on what sounds good Changed the way Neil makes connections between different people and perceives different experiences of sound Makes associations based on the portrait of “color sounds” he perceives Interface capable of combining/bringing together sensory experiences to provide enhanced functionality.


8 MultiModal Sensing Niel got to a point when he was able to perceive 360 colors, just like human vision. Went further seeking to perceive higher and lower frequencies along the visible spectrum that we cannot perceive, but that electronic eyes can perceive. Added infrared and ultraviolet to the color-to-sound scale Potential benefits/increased capabilities of adding layer of perception?

9 Looking Forward “I think we should all have this wish to perceive things that we cannot perceive.” Where does knowledge come from? How can we develop tools to extend our knowledge? “I think life will be much more exciting when we stop creating applications for mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body. I think this will be a big, big change that we will see during this century.”

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