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Seahorses! By Marianne.

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Presentation on theme: "Seahorses! By Marianne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seahorses! By Marianne

2 What seahorses eat! Seahorses need to eat almost constantly, as they don’t have a stomach, so food passes through them fairly quickly. But what do they eat?…well here’s the answer. Shrimps Plankton(small fish) Crustacean copepods

3 Food cycle of a seahorse!
This is the food cycle of a seahorse!

4 A seahorses body!(inside and out)

5 The seahorses appearance!
The seahorse is a strange sea creature, unlike most sea creatures they look completely different. Seahorses don’t all look the same, you see they come in all different shape’s, sizes and even different patterns, just like this one here. Seahorses have a long pointy nose which they use to pick up food with. Seahorses also have a small fin at the back, and a long curved tail hanging down from the back as well. Both of those things help the seahorse to move through the water. So as you can see from what I’ve told you seahorses are a very strange sea creature.

6 Life cycle of the seahorse!

7 Seahorse’s habitat! A seahorse lives in shallow weedy areas about 20 meters under. In winter they move into the deeper water to escape the wild weather that comes through. Seahorses don’t live in clean, tropical waters, in fact some seahorses live in the murky rivers. A seahorse’s favorite place to sleep is in the eel grass beds, where all the different types of weeds are. So this is where they live, and I hope you learnt something interesting about where they live.

8 Interesting seahorse facts!
Males are the ones that become pregnant and lay eggs. Seahorses are really just fish. The seahorses are expert hiders, some can even change their color to blend in exactly like a coral. Seahorses don’t have scales, even though they are a fish. Seahorses don’t have many predators.

9 The end!!!

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