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Welcome to Year 5 Academic Year 18/19

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1 Welcome to Year 5 Academic Year 18/19

2 Meet the team… Teachers: Mrs Catherine Coles and Mrs Sam Williams
Classroom adults: Ms Shelley Holmes and Mrs Emma Seager SEN support: Mrs Jen Ealey, Mrs Jo Elliot, Mr Sam, Miss Blake Ex Day team - Mrs Catherine Nancarrow and Mrs Tina Venton

3 TIMETABLE YEAR 5 2018/2019 Autumn term
0850 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1345 1430 1500 MON Registration/Fluent in 5 RWI Spelling Maths Key skills Maths TT Rock Stars Break Handwriting Literacy Guided Reading Lunch Daily Mile Topic Circle Time Tidy up/Home time TUE Collective Worship RE WED Assembly Science THU/EX Day French PE/Ex-Day FRI RWI Whole School Assembly Daily Mile/ PE Golden Time - EX days are every other Thursday - Please have trainers in school for the daily mile

4 Inspire Curriculum To the Stars – Space - Science, Art and Music focus
The Ancient Greeks – History and Art focus Poles Apart – Polar Regions – Geography and Science focus Rites and Rituals – The Mayans – Geography and Music focus Fever, Fire and Fashion – Great Fire of London and the Plague – History and Art focus No Way Back – Environmental responsibility - Geography and Science focus Round and Round – Life cycles – Science focus The World is our Oyster – Geography focus PSHE, Citizenship, Computing, French and Religious Education form core and extended core subjects and are weaved into all topics. If you or anyone you know has any expertise in these subjects we always welcome guest speakers.

5 Reading, times tables and spelling practice daily
Home Learning Reading, times tables and spelling practice daily Spellings tested through the week through teaching and testing on Mondays. There is a heavy focus at the start of Autumn to ensure that essential learning is in place. Weekly tasks - set on Thursday – this will be a focus on current, future or past learning. Maths and Literacy homework will be set online on AND Topic homework – set every 4 weeks and has a variety of options to allow pupils to approach the tasks in a variety of ways such as through art, writing or IT.

6 Rewards Golden Time is now a set 30 mins. Children will have the opportunity to earn back time they may lose. Pupils may bring items from home for Golden Time but we ask that these are not electronic or precious. These should be given to the teacher at the beginning of the day. Behaviour Charts in class just as in previous years. Presentation awards will result in a reward.

7 School Visits Plans… Falmouth Art Gallery – Poetry workshop
Truro Museum - Ancient Greeks Truro Cathedral - Christianity Visit from a Polar Explorer – Poles Apart Beach Clean – No Way Back Drama Workshop – Mayan Topic

8 Y5 Residential Year 5 Porthpean Adventure
(Possible destination for this year… more details tbc.) These are some of the possible activities! Watersports Coasteering Archery Climbing and high ropes Cycling

9 Other key messages *In Year 5, we begin to ‘split’ a lot more into groups across the two classes – this can be helpful as we approach Year 6 and secondary school. *Sex and Relationships Education – details to follow where we share resources. SRE and PSHE focuses on health, changing bodies, relationships and key e-safety aspects. *Support us by supporting your child in staying safe online and promoting healthy, safe and purposeful e-use. *Greater focus on ‘self-organisation’ in Year 5 such as care of belongings, kit and being ready to learn.

10 Working together… *We’re available at the end of the school day when we bring classes outside to meet you. *Make an appointment at the school office to see us. *Signposting to others that can support – SENDCo etc. *Reports sent home at the end of each term *Parents’ meetings in Autumn Term *Reading Records can be used for general communication *Mental health awareness

11 Question time…

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