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Monday, 12/10/18 World History – Subject for today

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1 Monday, 12/10/18 World History – Subject for today
Lesson #3 - African Geography and Culture Four handouts – put them in this order: Africa Culture Notes sheet – to jot down “stuff” as lesson progresses African masks Map (for HW) POD – Topic and activity: What the is purpose of a uniform? What is the purpose of “the mask”? Read about African Society African history – prior to arrival of Europeans Notes and discussion African traditional culture Journal 3:1 Choose two aspects of African culture which you’d like to see more of in our own culture. Argue the premise that they’d work in our society. Homework today: Complete African maps (both sides)

2 Thursday, 12/13/18 AP European History – subject for the day LMC
POD - Topic and activity: Any questions on Project Africa? DUE DATE IS MONDAY(not Tuesday, as it says on the sheet) Homework: Be ready for a quiz on locations in Africa tomorrow

3 Friday, 12/14/18 AP European History – subject for the day
Africa stuff POD - Topic and activity: Quiz on locations Nacirema Tribe As you’re reading, jot down a few notes on these people that set them apart from you – label this JOURNAL #3:2 As your notes accumulate, start thinking of a way to describe these people. Don’t share your thoughts with anyone just yet… Then… Discuss similarities to us as American people What have you noticed? Death Stalks a Continent Compare to our world… Why has this happened? Homework: PROJECT DUE DATE IS MONDAY (not Tuesday, as it says on the sheet)

4 Monday, 12/17/18 AP European History – subject for the day
Project Presentations POD - Topic and activity: Journal Entry 3:3 For each presentation today, label each: Nation Three problems (and write down the problems) Homework: none

5 Tuesday, 12/18/18 AP European History – subject for the day
Project Presentations POD - Topic and activity: Journal Entry 3:4 – 8 more presentation notes Continuation For each presentation today, label each: Nation Three problems (and write down the problems) Homework: Journal Entry 3:5 Quick research on Crisis Rwanda in 1994. Briefly summarize the conflict: what caused it and what happened.

6 Wednesday, 12/19/18 AP European History – subject for the day
Lesson #3 – Crisis Rwanda POD - Topic and activity: Journal Entry 3:6 What appears to be the most ubiquitous problems in African nations? What are some solutions you think were suggested that are innovative, or at least GOOD ideas? Explain. PPT on Rwanda and Crises in Rwanda and Somalia Homework: Journal Entry 3:7 Why were the Hutus so mad at the Tutsis? What was the result? Could/should the US have done anything to diminish the slaughter? Tomorrow and Friday we’ll watch the movie HOTEL RWANDA

7 Thursday, 12/20/18 AP European History – subject for the day
Movie: Hotel Rwanda POD - Topic and activity: Movie, part 1 – up to the start of the killings Homework: Journal Entry 3:8 What made this Rwanda crisis so horrible? Was the tragedy in Rwanda preventable? How? Why would Clinton say THIS was his most troubling time in his whole 8years as President?

8 Thursday, 2/3/19 POD – Topic and activity:
World History – Subject for today World Cultures POD – Topic and activity: JOURNAL ENTRY 3:9 – jot down info on each nation presented – one or two unique things about each PPT 3:5 Journal Entry 3:10: The night of the stalker… Choose one person in your world to study. Watch that person for a few minutes… look for behaviors, reactions, expressions, etc. that you think are examples of displaying cultural aspects of American culture. Jot down their behaviors that defines American culture, and be prepared to discuss tomorrow

9 Friday, 2/4/19 POD – Topic and activity:
World History – Subject for today Country comparison POD – Topic and activity: JOURNAL ENTRY 3:11 – two part comparison. Divide page in half. Find your African nation. Look at the stats in the three World Affairs magazines. Find if there’s been any progression, regression, or no change. Do the same for your “random” country you just researched. Discuss the nations Discuss the activity in which you observed someone for American gestures. What did you find? Issues in Africa What’s the problem with the two animals featured. What can and should be done? Or… Should be just not really care? Why?

10 Monday, 1/7/19 POD – Topic and activity:
World History – Subject for today Traditional African Culture POD – Topic and activity: Discuss the activity in which you observed someone for American gestures. What did you find? JOURNAL 3:12 – How do we define our culture? What aspects will we need to look for to understand typical American culture? PPT 3:6 – TRADITIONAL AFRICAN CULTURE

11 Tuesday, 1/8/19 POD – Topic and activity:
World History – Subject for today Traditional African Culture POD – Topic and activity: Discuss the activity in which you observed someone for American gestures. What did you find? JOURNAL 3:13 – At this point, describe what is different about African culture from ours. How will this change with the introduction of Europeans?

12 Wednesday, 1/9/19 POD – Topic and activity:
World History – Subject for today Africa – Modern Problems and Modern Solutions – Poverty & Starvation, disease and lack of education POD – Topic and activity: What do you think EXTREME POVERTY means? Read article on Child Soldiers PPT 3:4 Journal 3:14: Remind me… what are the biggest problems for Africa; what are some solutions? Why have (or won’t) most solutions actually work (what’s standing in the way of progress?)

13 Friday, 1/11/19 POD – Topic and activity:
World History – Subject for today Apartheid POD – Topic and activity: Journal 3:15 – using this political cartoon, discuss the demise of Apartheid, and how the white South African population responded to it. Read UPFRONT article p , Jan, 2014 Discuss (questions on next page) Biko song analysis Read UPFRONT article p. 6-7, Oct, 2013 discuss Homework: TEST is Tuesday-Wednesday

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