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Congratulates the Class of 2015

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1 Congratulates the Class of 2015
EDHS Congratulates the Class of 2015


3 AGENDA Material Distribution OSAP Information
Community Service Hours Reminder Bursary/Merit Awards Information Graduation Ceremony

4 OSAP Information Go to to create account
New applications usually available May 1st Do not use the 2014 application Must have detailed tax information for self and for parents/guardians Use the “Aid Estimator” to estimate how much you will get and what information you will need 30% Off Ontario Tuition Program  you must apply for OSAP to be eligible (parents’ combined income < $160,000)

5 Community Hours 40 Hours Form is required for an OSSD
University and Colleges are anxious to receive notification of completed hours The next transaction electronically sent to OUAC and OCAS is ~ April 22nd Offers of admission are conditional on receiving your OSSD Do not jeopardize admissibility to your program of studies, especially those that are competitive

6 Community Hours (continued)
Graduation Honour Cords awarded this year: Silver = hours Gold = hours Red = 500+ hours Updated Hours must be submitted by May 1st to be eligible for cords If you have not handed in hours (or Grad Fee) you will not receive your invitation today. Also, remember ……………………………… NO HOURS = NO PROM!!

7 Local Bursary and Merit Awards
There are three categories of awards: 1) Merit Awards – based mostly on specific criteria (academic achievement, pursuing specific programs/institutions, volunteerism, etc.) 2) Bursary Awards – based mostly on financial need (critical that application be completed in full) 3) Separate Application – very specific criteria with additional application and supporting documents required Be sure to carefully read information sheet descriptions of all awards to determine eligibility

8 EDHS Bursary & Merit Awards Application
Print neatly All information required must be complete Program of study important Total Income crucial for Bursary selection Information viewed only by members of bursary selection committee Reverse side  please complete the extra-curricular activities and extenuating circumstances, if any

9 Description of Awards: Merit (blue) & Bursary (green)
Read all criteria carefully Merit are achievement based, Bursary are financial-need based Select five (5) awards for which you feel specifically eligible (indicate on application) All information must be completed to be given full consideration Winners will be notified during the graduation exercises Applications (yellow) due on May 1st

10 Awards Selected by Donors (purple):
Check criteria and requirements carefully: The EGCC Simpson Legacy Bursary The Essex Rotary Club The Optimist Club Volunteer Service Award E. Jim Brown Bursary Michael Newsted Memorial Awards EDHS Athletic Merit Award Applications due on specified dates.

11 Letters of Application
Read the criteria carefully Emphasize in your letter why you are deserving of this particular awards (volunteerism, achievements, interests…) If it does not indicate a name and/or address simply address it as: “To Whom It May Concern” It is wise to have a teacher proof-read your letters

12 Letters of Application (continued)
Letters of Application in sealed envelope with all required documentation Identify the award for which you are applying on the envelope Write your name on the envelope Submit your completed application packages to Mr. Ricci by the due date

13 Graduation Day Wednesday, June 24th , 2015 at 5:30 pm
Required to be here for 4:45 PM for line up and grad card distribution (in cafeteria) Proper attire required, including gown and suitable footwear Invitations distributed today Tickets of admission for your guests; four (4) per student in envelope  written request form for extras in Guidance, due by Fri. May 22nd

14 Graduation Ceremonies Procedure
Gowns distributed two weeks prior – press/iron and bring to ceremony (yours to keep after) Acquire “Personalized Card” with completed destination information (to be handed out Period 1 this week)  please return these by Friday, May 22nd to Guidance Office Card will also list any awards for which you are a selected/known recipient Staff will guide you through the line-up process for procession into the Gym

15 Graduate of EDHS Name: __(pre-printed)___ Ontario Scholar: ____ (pre-checked) State your future plans. Please print legibly. . (Example: Seeking employment, community college, university-program of studies) ____this field will be completed prior to graduation _______ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Award Value$ Presenter 1. (filled in if applicable) 2. 3. 4.

16 Final Notes: Parents are welcome to take pictures
Family members attending - please keep in mind the capacity of our facilities and the fire hazard regulations (4 tickets per student) If “Handicap Seating” is required, please notify Student Services After graduation you may keep gowns as souvenirs!! Light refreshments will be served afterwards (in courtyard, weather dependent)

17 Please remember: Bursary and Merit Award Application Dates Share Graduation Information with parents Return unneeded guest tickets ASAP “Request For Additional Tickets” form if needed by May 22nd

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