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Westward Expansion.

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Presentation on theme: "Westward Expansion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Westward Expansion

2 United States, pre-Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War

3 Election of 1844 Polk’s campaign slogan – “Fifty-four forty or fight!”
Take over all of Oregon as the U.S. spreads west

4 Opening the West Reasons people moved west:
Mountain men were from many different backgrounds Jim Beckwourth Jedediah Smith They explored, found new trails, shared their knowledge of the land Reasons people moved west: To farm and ranch where land was plentiful Land speculators bought huge plots Broke it down and sold it in small parts to make a large profit Find jobs or escape debt or legal problems To find gold and become rich

5 Blazing New Trails Oregon
In 1846, a formal agreement was settled which divided Oregon between U.S. & G.B. 49th parallel became boundary between U.S. & Canada Settlers were flooding Oregon on the Oregon Trail Missionaries were the first permanent American white settlers

6 Mormons Mormons moved west seeking religious freedom
Blaze their own trail from Independence, MO to the Great Salt Lake

7 Santa Fe Trail Used to connect Missouri with the New Mexico territory
New Mexico seen as a place where traders could get rich Founder of the trail came back to MO with bags of gold & silver

8 Trails Map


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