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The E-Myth Perspective: Building a Business that Works for You

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Presentation on theme: "The E-Myth Perspective: Building a Business that Works for You"— Presentation transcript:

1 The E-Myth Perspective: Building a Business that Works for You

2 E-Myth Worldwide® We Know Small Business
E-Myth Worldwide® is the pioneer and leading innovator of modern-day small business coaching, helping to improve the lives of millions of small business owners, around the world, for more than 30 years.

3 What is the E-Myth?

4 The E-Myth Point of View
Your Business Must Serve Your Life Work ON It, Not IN It Your Business is the Product

5 The E-Myth Perspective
How you think about business, is how you end up doing business…

6 Seven Centers of Management Attention ™
The Working ON It Model

7 Leadership: Develop Your Vision
Seven Centers of Management Attention ™ Leadership: Develop Your Vision Leadership is the core center that provides the direction and purpose for the entire business.

8 Marketing: Money: Management: Seven Centers of Management Attention ™
Understand your best customers Money: Establish, track and maintain predictable cash flow Management: Assemble and motivate the right team

9 Lead Generation: Lead Conversion: Client Fulfillment:
Seven Centers of Management Attention ™ Lead Generation: Create awareness in your target market Lead Conversion: Create a predictable sales system Client Fulfillment: Deliver on your promise…every time

10 The Roadmap for Building Your Prototype
Benefits of the model: Frees you from the technical work of the business Shows integrative nature of all primary systems Provides a discriminating tool Reinforces systemic thinking Provides a way to work ON your business Organizes and provides rationale for systems strategy

11 E-Myth Your Business Today!

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