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The Story of Hannah 1 Samuel 1:26-28.

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1 The Story of Hannah 1 Samuel 1:26-28

2 The Story of Hannah Introduction
In honor of Mother’s Day, I want to preach about Hannah. Hannah is a wonderful lesson in the sweet innocent of a woman who loves God and desires to have a family, that she might be a mom. Tonight, the story of Hannah and some lessons to be learned.

3 The Story of Hannah Hannah Worshipped Regularly
It would seem that Hannah had married a good man. Elkanah was obedient to God. But there was no happiness in this annual pilgrimage, because unlike Peninnah, Hannah was barren. Lesson for mothers today: Your life may not seem all that you want it to be but keep on serving and worshipping God (Jn. 4:23,24).

4 Hannah Endured Under Trial your way, Hannah’s hope was to turn to
The Story of Hannah Hannah Endured Under Trial Peninnah was a rival of Hannah. Hannah had to endure hardship, taunts, and unkind comments from Peninnah. Ladies, I’m sure there have been times in your life that you have had tremendous stress. Lesson for mothers today: Even in a good home, with a godly husband there will be trials and troubles that come your way, Hannah’s hope was to turn to God in prayer.

5 The Story of Hannah Hannah’s Persistent Prayer
Hannah prayed to God for a son. She prayed and wept, fact is, she prayed and wept bitterly. She poured out her soul to God. It’s OK to cry. Ladies, if you want to get in your prayer closet and have a good long cry to God while you pray--Godspeed. Let your emotions out. Lesson for mothers today: Prayer helps erase the stress, the fear, and the worry of life’s problems.

6 Hannah’s Complete Surrender to God True motherhood means being totally
The Story of Hannah Hannah’s Complete Surrender to God Two things show her complete surrender: 1. She called herself a maidservant. 2. She vowed to give her son away. Lesson for mothers today: True motherhood means being totally God’s maidservant, willing to give up those things that are precious to you.

7 The Story of Hannah Hannah Stayed Home with Samuel
Hannah stayed home with Samuel. Mothers, if at all possible, need to stay home with their children. Even when Elkanah was going to worship (serving God), Hannah knew the value of staying home and being a mother to Samuel. Lesson for mothers today: Especially in the early years, moms need to be home with their children.

8 The Story of Hannah Hannah Fulfilled Her Vow
How difficult it must have been to let Samuel go-but she did. Moms never stop being a mom, but there comes a time when you must learn to turn loose, and turn your children over to God. Lesson for mothers today: Part of being a good mother is knowing when to cling, and when to let go.

9 Hannah Loved and Served Her Son
The Story of Hannah Hannah Loved and Served Her Son Hannah’s role as Samuel’s mom is now different. She brings him a robe each year when the family comes back to Shiloh. Mothers never quit loving their children, they only learn to do so in way that allows their children to mature on their own. Lesson for mothers today: Mom’s are to realize that they always serve an important role in the lives of their children.

10 Lessons from the Story of Hannah
1. Your life may not seem all that you want it to be but keep on serving and worshipping God (Jn. 4:23,24). 2. Even in a good home, with a godly husband there will be trials and troubles that come your way, Hannah’s hope was to turn to God in prayer. 3. Prayer helps erase the stress, the fear, and the worry of life’s problems.

11 Lessons from the Story of Hannah
4. True motherhood means being totally God’s maidservant, willing to give up those things that are precious to you. 5. Especially in the early years, moms need to be home with their children. 6. Part of being a good mother is knowing when to cling, and when to let go.

12 Lessons from the Story of Hannah
7. Mom’s are to realize that they always serve an important role in the lives of their children. It is right and proper that we honor our mothers. May the mothers in our audience tonight profit from the example of Hannah.


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